Is this a dagger which I see before me? No, actually that’s a dagger rogue. A christmas present from my brother and sister-in-law which arrived just the other day, this stealthy fellow in the glass case — a lvl 80 undead rogue, for the non-WoW inclined — is a 3-D sculpture (or “rapid prototype,” to be more exact) of my (main) World of Warcraft alter-ego, courtesy of the folks at FigurePrints. (I chose the name JackLowry from here (Jack) and here (Lowry) — everyone on-server usually assumes it’s a Bad Boys reference. Fine by me.)
Apparently, obtaining a FigurePrint is rather difficult at the moment — due to high demand, you have to win a lottery for the privilege of buying one. I can see why. It’s a pretty cool and detailed little sculpture, and it’s just the perfect size to make for some tastefully nerdy desk flair in your home or office (and/or to use as a dogwhistle to smoke out your WoW-playing colleagues and co-workers.)
You can get a sense of the size of the statue from the Jack-and-Coke pic below, and, as you can see, he’s already playing nice with President Obama (whom, unlike Jack here, I’ll liberate from the packaging someday.)

Hey, that turned out really cool!! Now I want one too, even more than ever. But I guess I have to grind to 80 first, though…
Hey, cool! A guy at my office got one a few months ago. At the time I was a bit disappointed with the size, mostly because I’d pictured them much bigger. I think the scale suits your character better than his though.
Hey bud, nice little figurine you got there. I have all that I can find of the normal figurines sold by Blizzard, now I would like to get one such as yours to go with the collection. Any extra information you could get out of your brother and sister-in-law would be awesome so that I could purchase one. Just send info to my email, that would be great. Thanks
Valinarii – Steamwheedle Cartel – Horde