12/25/01 - MERRY CHRISTMAS, from Berk and I to all of you.
We both received many nice gifts this year. As you might imagine, Berk got the traditional dog trifecta of bones, balls, and biscuits. As for me, I received (among other things) somegames, somebooks, someDVD's, a case of Red Bull (mmm...Red Bull), and a Colonel Sanders Bobblehead. What more can anyone ask for?
When this American Ballet Theatre soloist casually tosses double pirouettes between the fouette turns in the coda of the Black Swan pas de deux, then nails the finish as if to say "Ok, now give me something hard!" you realize 23-year-old Gillian Murphy is a wonder.. Gill is chosen as one of 2002's 25 Dancers to Watch by Dance Magazine. (On newsstands, not yet online.)
Bah, humbug! When it comes to foreign aid, Uncle Sam plays Uncle Scrooge.
Recession hits the states...here's a pretty good example of why mandatory balanced budgets are good in theory, lousy in practice.
Archaeologists discover remains of Turkish Celts, backing up Old Testament references to Galatians.
The Village Voice looks at the 2002 Progressive agenda for a Lefty New Year.
Not to be outdone by China's recent moves, Japan enters the Space Race. The more the merrier, I say.
Here come the Men in Black...again. Looks likes more of the same.
Oh, who gives a rip about ZuZu's Petals...we're goin' to Potterville!
Things have changed...Rod Thorn, formerly Stern's top enforcer, decries league punishment for Kenyon Martin. Can't touch the superstars, Kenyon, even if they're as washed up as Karl.
Seen Fellowship thrice now, and I must say it's holding up quite well. Much better after a second viewing, once I could get over the hype anxiety and just watch the movie. Need a nudge to go see it, non-Tolkien folk? Here's W.H. Auden's reviews of both Fellowship and Return of the King.
The first term is done! Those three twenty-five-pagers were a beast but, hey, it still beat working for a living. Next semester, I'll be honing in on my field (early 20th century), with Alan Brinkley and Eric Foner as profs. Should be grand.
12/19/01 -
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
OneRingtobringthemalland in the darkness bindthem
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
(If you're not excited about today...well, I don't know what to tell ya. Maybe this will help.)
Post-Film Update: They did it! They pulled it off!
12/17/01 - The young'uns had best get used to the heat. A new study reports that the climates of New York and New England may feel like Miami and Atlanta respectively in the relatively near future.
New Spiderman trailer available. The jury's still out on this one, although it's strange how the Spidey effects look less CGI when you slow them down. (Image courtesy of Dark Horizons.)
Other recent trailer releases include The Queen of the Damned (resurrected from Straight-To-Video land by the untimely death of Aaliyah) and David Fincher's latest, The Panic Room.
Winona, darlin', what the heck happened? Talk about a bad way to go out.
"In her brief appearance as the Snow Queen, Gillian Murphy was as sharp and bright as an icicle." Gill gets some minor props from the Post during her recent Kennedy Center sojourn.
Five games into the Chaney era, the Knicks are in freefall.
Floridians take note...Bob Dylan's Never-Ending Tour continues in 2002.
Peter Jackson writes in the Timesabout filming Tolkien's trilogy. And your signature may be required to ensure he directs Episode III.
Caught Vanilla Sky on Friday...quite disappointing. Cameron Diaz stood out, but the pacing of the film was all off. A shame, really.
Ah...two 25-pagers down, one more to go. At least I can be content knowing that this is probably as busy as I'll ever be in grad school. And, if that's not respite enough, well, Fellowship is now only three days away...
12/11/01 - A short history of George Harrison's Handmade Films.
Frank Foer examines soccer in the Middle East.
It's Bad Sex award time again, and, as per usual, this year's winner - Christopher Hart's "Rescue Me" - is pretty doggone bad.
For British critics, the verdict is in: Fellowship 1, Potter 0.
In case you missed the last meteor shower, the Geminds fall Thursday night.
Unlikely allies in any other endeavor, John Lewis (D-GA) and J.C. Watts (R-OK) get a bill passed in the House to establish a National African-American History museum in Washington DC. It is a bit strange we have a Holocaust museum on the mall but none dedicated to American slavery.
Galileo gets a closer look at Tupan Patera, one of Io's many volcanoes.
Bush backs out of the 1972 ABM treaty. Ridicky-goddamn-diculous. You know, you'd think the horrors of September 11 would instill in our leadership some semblance of the notion that a ridiculously expensive and scientifically untenable missile shield should be the least of our defense concerns right now.
In happier Dubya news, Ted Kennedy seems to be talking up the education reformcompromise plan.
Just when you thought it was safe to be a New York Democrat...After squandering the mayorship by putting up candidate Mark Green, Charlie Rangel calls out Cuomo.
In Tora Bora, the noose tightens around Bin Laden. To be honest, I'm surprised he's holed up there. I assumed he was going to make a run for it.
End of an Era. A more than slightly burned-out Coach Van Gundy quits the Knicks to spend more time with his family. I'm gonna miss him fretting on the sidelines, Diet Coke in hand. And, judging by the team falling apart in OT against the revitalized Celts this evening, it's going to be a long, cold winter without him. Ah, if only the Spurs series had gone our way in '99...
Dick Armey plans to retire (and thus also step down as House Majority Leader.) Aw, what a shame. Please please please replace him with Tom DeLay...it'll be harder for the Exterminator to scurry about in the light of day. (Update: Armey "stands down." Oh, please.)
Tom Oliphant lambasts Reverend Ashcroft for his gun fetish.
Saw the folks and Tessa over the weekend as they stopped by the Big City. Which reminds me, here's another Hawaii pic (from this summer) of Thad, Gill, and I off the Na Pali coast on Kauai (courtesy of Gill's official site.)
Will Tolkien's trilogy save New Line?
Caught Ocean's Eleven last Friday...good breezy fun. It and Vanilla Sky should make a good prologue to Fellowship 8 days from now. I must admit, though, it is a bit depressing to note that Don Cheadle was the worst thing about the film. Hey, Don, the local high school production of Oliver Twist called, they want their Cockney accent back.
12/7/01 (a date that will live in infamy) - Had Japan broken US codes before Pearl Harbor? A new report suggests they had.
The Taliban fall, but where is Bin Laden?
Dec. 7 v. Sept. 11.
Oh, it turns out Reverend Ashcroft is FOR civil liberties...if you're packing heat. What a scumbag. (Slate's Jacob Weisberg, Salon's Jake Tapper, the Times and thePostthink so too.
More stunning Fellowship reviews (Tickets are ON SALE NOW...I got some for Wednesday morning.)Entertainment Weekly: "a great picture, a triumphant picture, a joyfully conceived work of cinema...vibrantly, intricately alive on its own terms. This is what magic the movies can conjure with an inspired fellowship in charge" Screendaily: Jackson’s Ring cycle generates the kind of epic cinema excitement, encountered in the films of Abel Gance (Napoleon), Akira Kurosawa (The Seven Samurai, Ran), David Lean (Lawrence Of Arabia), Stanley Kubrick (2001: A Space Odyssey), and arguably last seen on the American screen in Coppola's Apocalypse Now; it certainly far surpasses the standards of popular epics like Braveheart or Gladiator." Did I mention tickets are ON SALE NOW?
The Martian ice caps are melting. Ought to facilitate the terraforming, I should think.
Trailers abound of late, including looks at the Tom Cruise/Stephen Spielberg sci-fi foray Minority Report and the Mel Gibson Black Hawk-wannabe We Were Soldiers
Ed Norton as John Connor in T3? That's just goofy.
12/2/01 -
IT (Ginger/Segway)...sounds pretty cool. (Via Dumbmonkey.)
And finally in the Tolkien department, here's a detailed list of rumored deviations from the original trilogy. Major Spoilers, so don't click if you haven't read the books.
"THE MOVIE WORKS. It has real passion, real emotion, real terror, and a tactile sense of evil that is missing in that other current movie dealing with wizards, wonders and wickedness." Newsweek's David Ansen, unfamiliar with the trilogy, raves about FOTR. (Peter Travers of Rolling Stone previously called it the best movie of the year.)
With the last Taliban stronghold under siege, the Bush administration preps for Phase Two: Iraq.
From blue to red: A new study offers more evidence of once-vast Martian oceans.
Archaeologists uncover symbolic thinking in extremely ancient African artifacts, further eroding the "creative explosion" theory of human evolutionary development.
Look here, Mr. Ashcroft, I know Abe Lincoln, I've studied Abe Lincoln, and you, sir, are no Abe Lincoln. David Greenberg reviews the civil liberties record of our Civil War President.
Attack of the Killer Condensed Comics! (Via Do You Feel Loved and LinkMachineGo.)
Fool of a Took! A cave troll prowls the mines of Moria in this clip from Fellowship of the Ring (17 days...), which aired on Fox the other night.
Along with many others in the music industry, Bob Dylan mourns the passing of his old friend, George Harrison: "He was a giant, a great, great soul, with all of the humanity, all of the wit and humor, all the wisdom, the spirituality, the common sense of a man and compassion for people. He inspired love and had the strength of a hundred men. He was like the sun, the flowers and the moon and we will miss him enormously. The world is a profoundly emptier place without him."IT's back, to be announced on Monday. If nothing else, Kamen has invented quite an impressive hype machine. But can he get 'em on shelves by Christmas?
12/1/01 -
"I have learned in the last week that this thing is real, and it doesn't discriminate. It affects everyone."
- Eric "Eazy-E" Wright.