Along with a slew of new posters (see also the snazzy 9/11ish one at Quiddity), The Dark Knight begins its trailer rollout today with — of course — another worldwide Joker-run scavenger hunt. (I for one am loving the confluence of my interests that is Jokerized dead-presidents.) In any case, once we budding fanboy detectives run the info through the Batcomputer and get to the bottom of it all, I’ll post the new trailer here…
Update: After the scavenger hunt and some anagram work and duck-shooting, it seems the trailer will be here…next Sunday. (Presumably, it premieres before Iron Man on Friday.) Sunday? Now, that wasn’t very nice.
Update 2: “This city deserves a better class of criminal, and I’m going to give it to them.” In pure Joker fashion, it’s been Kramerized and Youtubed regardless. Extremely poor quality, but this’ll do until the trouble gets here. (I could do without the post-title goofiness, to be honest, but Heath’s Joker still seems scarily spot-on.) Update 3: While bootlegs of the clip keep getting shut down (if you haven’t caught it yet, it’s still up here at io9), the “Jokerized” version of the trailer, handed out to raffle winners in the viral game, is nevertheless now on the tubes.