“In light of ongoing delays in the setting of a start date for filming The Hobbit, I am faced with the hardest decision of my life. After nearly two years of living, breathing and designing a world as rich as Tolkien’s Middle Earth, I must, with great regret, take leave from helming these wonderful pictures.“
As a result of the continuing fiasco at MGM (complicating any projects moving forward), Guillermo del Toro leaves The Hobbit. FWIW, the project is still moving forward, with Del Toro still writing the scripts with the LotR team and Peter Jackson saying he’ll direct if it comes down to it.
Del Toro’s leaving is unfortunate, but it sounds like the films are far enough along in pre-production already that they’ll carry some of his vision and ingenuity regardless. Still, this brings us back to 2007…Sam Raimi? Alfonso Cuaron? Peter Weir? Neil Blomkamp?
Did you see Ebert’s tweet about it a couple days ago? “Today: Del Toro is off “The Hobbit.” Last week: Del Toro announced he wouldn’t film it in 3D.”
It’s an angle I haven’t seen reported much. If they’re gonna make it 3-D, I’ll boycott the damn thing.
Yeah, I don’t think that was it, tho’. PJ’s the producer and would’ve had del Toro’s back on that front. Plus, the MGM situation afflicting The Hobbit is also afflicting the Bond franchise — they can’t move forward either (and may lose Daniel Craig as a result.)