Let’s disconnect these cables, overturn these tables, this place don’t make sense to me no more… As you can see [
or maybe you can’t — the “embed code” option doesn’t seem to work, so I switched it out with a jpg], I’ve been having a little fun with this
pretty spiffy Star Trek advertising toy, which is definitely worth playing around with for a few minutes. I’ve seen a lot of upload-your-pic widgets in the past, but I’m pretty amazed at how fast and how well this maps a pic onto a 3-D avatar. Could
this Dylan-spouting Vulcan be the future of MMORPG gaming?
for some reason, you look vaguely Tom Hanks-ish in that photo. The mouth, maybe?
Also, eating virtual cheetos in the holodeck sounds like a nice way to spend the afternoon
I used this pic, and I think the shadows from being atilt showed up in the rendering. Thus, Hanksosity.