I’ve had serious issues trying to look at them myself (Do people really still use dial-up? I’m flabbergasted.), but TOR.N has new shots from TTT:EE and RotK here, here, and here. Apparently, these are all from the forthcoming theatrical edition extras. Update: More here!
Author: KcM
Cross your Fingers.
Despite the 2.6 million jobs lost during his tenure, Dubya declares his tax cut was the “absolute right course of action” for restoring the economy. I guess we’ll see…expect the Bushies to latch on to every moderately decent economic indicator in the next eighteen months as being directly related to the Dubya tax debacle. By the way, do you get the sense Karl told Dubya to use the phrase “tough decision”?
Hunting Harvey.
Friendster cracks down on imaginary friends. I was wondering what happened to my boy Chewbacca.
Shut him up or shut him down.
Speaking of Chewbacca, Rick McCallum seems to be spilling a lot of Episode III knowledge these days, including who dies in the first reel and who (sigh) doesn’t die. Megaspoilers, if you care.
Super Sized.
Dahlia Lithwick examines the legal strategies soon to be employed against “Big Food”. Sounds like these cases’ll be tough to make, but they still might encourage Mickey D’s to back away from McGriddle and the like.
Pitch Black.
Well, it looks like I picked a good day to be on the other side of the world…hope everyone is safe and sound in NYC and the NE corridor. I wonder if we can pin this on the Cheney Energy Task Force. Speaking of which, I wonder if Dubya’s going to fly to Omaha and back again while they sort everything out.
Magic Numbers.
A 40-page House report (prepared by Henry Waxman) finds that the Bush Administration consistently misuses science data to buttress their political goals. But what can you really expect from a President who believes “the jury’s still out” on evolution?
Long-Range Farewell.
3-point bomber and 5-time NBA champion Steve Kerr retires to join the TNT television crew. Hopefully, they’ll phase out Thunder Dan Majerle…he’s pretty bad in the booth.
Good Namor Hunting.
Matt Damon as the Sub-Mariner? No, no, no…that’s just plain goofy.
“Patriots” at Work.
The LA Times relates the sad story of Ansar Mahmood, who has paid a heavy price for being a Muslim in America after 9/11. In not-unrelated news, Ashcroft cracks down on lenient sentencing. Perhaps they’ll reconsider his nephew’s drug bust, then.