It’s official…the most dynamic Knick since Bernard King has left the Garden. Consider me among the legions of Knicks fans who’re bummed to see him go…and who aren’t psyched at all about Keith Van Horn. This lousy trade reeks of Layden.
Author: KcM
Second Thoughts.
Now this is more like it. After a steady stream of “2004’s in the bag” type-stories, the GOP starts to sweat a little. “‘The economy is touch and go,’ said Dick Taylor, another RNC member from Maryland. ‘I’ve got to believe it recovers really fast. If not, obviously we’ll be in some trouble.’”
Who’s Scruffy-Looking?
The first pic of Gary Oldman as Sirius Black (in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban) is now online, smiling along with Ron, Alan Rickman, and two unidentified girls. Nice ink. Update: Warner Brothers pulled it.
The Conversations.
“On one of Lyndon Johnson’s tapes, one archivist said, he was heard to refer to a ‘pack of bastards,’ but he was really speaking of the ‘Pakistani ambassador.’ Another transcript stated that someone ‘lied. He gets his information from the Joint Chiefs,’ when the speaker actually said he
‘implied he gets his information from the Joint Chiefs.’” David Greenberg examines the trouble with White House recordings as a transparent window into History.
Planning Ahead.
While I’m loath to link to these guys given the trouble Klayman caused back in the day, Judicial Watch gets a hold of Cheney Energy Task Force briefings from March 2001 and finds…maps of Iraq? (Via Pigs and Fishes.)
Ready for our Close-up.
The picture in the top left was getting kinda stale (and I’d lost the beard a few months ago), so I pulled out the digital camera today and took a few shots of me and Berkeley. Here’s the results:

I must say, for someone who’s ridiculously unphotogenic, I’m kinda pleased at how some of these turned out.
The Sprewell Era Ends.
ESPN is reporting as breaking news that the Knicks have basically traded Sprewell for Keith Van Horn in a 4-player deal (Latrell goes to the T-Wolves, Terrell Brandon goes to the Hawks, Glenn Robinson goes to the Sixers.) While this emphatically makes Minnesota a better team (particularly with Sam Cassell and Michael Olowokandi also joining KG), I can’t say I’m very happy about what’s happened to the Knickerbockers. Spree was the only high-octane guy on a team of one-dimensional choke artists…it’s going to be really hard to root for a team fronted by Van Horn and Houston.
Here Comes the Reign Again.
Although not as much news about Return of the King leaked out from Comiccon as I would have liked, ex-Eurythmics siren Annie Lennox has announced she’s singing on the “title” track (like Enya [“May it Be”] and Emiliana Torrini [“Gollum’s Song”] before her.) Well, I prefer this to the Liv Tyler song rumor that went around a few months back, even if that is a bit unfair (I’ve never heard Tyler sing.) Perhaps they’ll both make the final cut.
DeLay’s Dollars.
“Tom DeLay is the king of congressional influence-money. In DeLay’s world, the operating rule is you have to pay to play.” Democracy 21 takes a comprehensive look at the Exterminator’s money machine, and it ain’t pretty.
O Wife, Where Art Thou?
The first trailer for Intolerable Cruelty, starring George Clooney, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Billy Bob Thornton, is now online. Doesn’t immediately look like my cup of tea, but the brothers Coen deserve the benefit of the doubt.