“We ask for miracles in regard to the Supreme Court…One justice is 83-years-old, another has cancer and another has a heart condition. Would it not be possible for God to put it in the minds of these three judges that the time has come to retire?” Pat Robertson calls on God to put a hit out on three Supreme Court justices following Lawrence v. Texas. Well, while we’re praying for people’s “removal”…
Author: KcM
The Gospel According to Mel.
AICN gets its hands on the powerful (and very graphic) trailer for The Passion, Mel Gibson’s forthcoming version of the Christ story, as told in Aramaic and Latin. Given Gibson’s ultraconservative Catholicism, his rejection of the Second Vatican Council (which, among other things, repudiated the idea of Jewish collective guilt for the death of Jesus), and his father’s background of Anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, I must admit I fear the worst about this project…but I’ll reserve judgment until I’ve seen the movie. To be sure, the trailer is a startling piece of work.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
It isn’t just Weaponsgate: Dubya can’t stop lying about the economy, either. And with the Dubya deficit ballooning and the states feeling the pinch, don’t expect any further candor from the White House in the months to come.
Out the Door.
Speaking of liars, it’s been real, been fun, hasn’t been real fun. Ari Fleischer prevaricates his way through one last White House press briefing. He will not be missed.
Hello all…back from Toronto (Seemed like a great town…wish I’d had more time to look around) with nary a muscle ache or fever. Also caught The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen this evening. I didn’t find it as terrible as all the reviews made it out to be, but Lord knows it’s pretty bad. I suspect that even if the screenwriters had attempted something closer to Alan Moore’s work, Sean Connery would still kill the movie with his awful Sean Connery impression. And the story, as Ebert notes, is absolutely nonsensical. Peta Wilson, Richard Roxburgh, Jason Flemyng, and Stuart Townsend all acquit themselves well, I suppose, although the latter reminded me once again of why he would’ve made a lousy Aragorn. And as for Tom Sawyer…well, the less said the better. To be honest, I expected much more of Stephen Norrington after Blade. All in all, I’d say skip it.
Mutant Joan Rivers.
By way of Neilalien and Triptych Cryptic, the worst superhero costumes of all time. I dunno…these seem kinda arbitrary to me. What about Luthor in the green armor? Black Condor of the JLS? Or poor old Puck of Alpha Flight? The guy had beer-mascot dwarf-tossee written all over him in that suit.
The Boston Globe examines the rise of the academic star system, the ensuing university rat race, and how they both affect those scholars who actually do the teaching. Sadly, as you might expect, it means even less money to go around for the bulk of PhDs.
Bring the Pain.
Perhaps taking a page from the Governor of Vermont (whom he declined to attack), Kerry turns up the heat on Dubya and Weaponsgate, as do the Congressional Dems. Good…the pressure from now herein should be furious and unrelenting. And under no circumstances should the Bushies be allowed to get away with lying to America by pinning it on John Bull.
Don’t Give ’em Hell, Harry.
An Independence, Mo. librarian uncovers a long-lost 1947 diary in which Harry Truman worries aloud about Douglas MacArthur…and shares some dark thoughts on Jews.
More fun than Sea Monkeys!
If you thought Manhattan for $24 was a great deal, check this out…Entire galaxies for $19.99 each. Sure, the location’s terrible, but think of the space… (Via Footprints.)