As the Bushies finally admit the Iraq-Niger link was bogus, the Dems call for an investigation into what the White House knew and when. I think it might just be independent counsel time.
Author: KcM
Welcome to the Panopticon.
“This is coming whether we like it or not…It’s not how do we stop the tidal wave. It’s how do we manage it.” The Village Voice laments the creation of Combat Zones That See, or CTS. Smile, you’ll be on camera.
Ghosts of the Past.
Historian Richard Rubin pieces together the racialized local history surrounding the Colfax riot, the bloodiest single episode of Reconstruction. While I found the article intriguing, I’m not sure which history professors he was consulting. Eric Foner‘s Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution — the first place one should go for Reconstruction-related queries — touches on the Colfax riot (albeit briefly), and I seem to remember it receiving more treatment in William Gillette’s Retreat from Reconstruction. At any rate, an interesting and somewhat perturbing read.
A Dixie Chick’s Revenge.
Clear Channel is sued by Roxanne Cordonier, a South Carolina DJ and the 2002 state Radio Personality of the Year, for firing her for her anti-war stance. The suit also alleges that Cordonier “was forced to participate in a pro-war rally.” I’ll have to keep an eye on this one.
Paging Judge Danforth.
“Two senators – one a conservative Republican, the other a moderate Democrat – who spoke with Ashcroft…were surprised at his lack of command of the basic issues. Whether it was lack of interest or lack of intellectual firepower, the Attorney General seemed not to appreciate the complexities of the constitutional issues he was dealing with.” Nat Hentoff cites Stephen Brill’s After to depict amateur hour in the Ashcroft Justice Department.
War Games.
“He should turn it in to his professor, get his grade — and then they both should burn it.” A GMU grad student finds his infrastructure research may be groundbreaking…and dangerous.
Loquacious Wookie.
Peter Mayhew had best be careful. If he keeps dropping Episode III spoilers like this, Lucas might recast Chewbacca as CGI.
The Man in Me.
A Japanese writer finds himself quoted in Dylan. Sounds like he’s got the right attitude about it…I wouldn’t think this really constitutes plagiarism.
Full House.
Now here‘s a reality show I can get into. Coverage of the World Series of Poker starts tonight on ESPN. If you’ve never tuned in before, you’d be amazed at some of the psych-out tricks these guys try to play on camera. (Via Mark.)
Friendly Fire.
William Saletan, who’s been rather unkind to Dean in the past, shows his hand – he’s for Edwards. Unfortunately, Saletan’s case here makes me less inclined to vote for him. “If Dean’s strength is speaking bluntly to the right, Edwards, like Joe Lieberman, has shown a facility for speaking bluntly to the left.” That’s exactly what I don’t want to hear.