I should have posted this a few weeks ago, but it’s been sitting forlorn in the bookmark section. Freedom: A History of US, the American history-for-kids site I helped build over the holidays, is now online. (I’m listed as a “history consultant…” woohoo!) Content that readers might find particularly interesting includes the quick historical primers I wrote for the teachers’ section and the many sound clips throughout of various celebrities portraying historic Americans (scroll down for a full listing.)
Author: KcM
Chip off the old Block.
James Fallows on Bill Clinton on John Edwards, coming soon in The Atlantic Monthly. (In the meantime, you can peruse Fallows’ annotated version of Dubya’s State of the Union address.)
The Black Gate is Open.
Garth at Dark Horizons has an update on Return of the King with some good news for those miffed at the early end of TTT (Mild spoilers.): “ROTK is supposed to run in the 3.5-4 hour range, [and] P.J. can use as much time as he needs to finish the story.” Booyah…
Infinity and Beyond: The Case for Space
With the foam debris explanation suffering in computer modeling, the fate of the Columbia has become a scientific mystery. I haven’t had the time to address the space question as eloquently as I would have liked this week, so I’ll quit stalling and just repost some of my (slightly-edited) e-mail conversation with Scully on the subject:
I’m actually very much in favor of space colonization, and I think the argument that money spent on space is a senseless waste falls apart on its own premises. Would the money spent on the space program be better spent on conquering disease or ending famine here on Earth? Ideally, of course, we’d spend money doing both – exploring space and alleviating misery. But I think the utilitarian argument being made in this case ultimately doesn’t work. If we’re talking greatest good for the greatest number, then the space program in fact makes more sense. Spending the money on food saves millions. Space colonization would save untold billions, if not more – the very survival of the species, and in fact all of Earth’s species. We know that the sun will wink out of existence one day in the future, and if humankind isn’t out of the solar system by then, it’s game over.
Of course such an event seems very, very far away, and there are people starving and dying in the here and now. It seems callous to weigh the very real suffering of the diseased and famine-stricken against such a farflung possibility. But, the fact is, a wayward asteroid could kill us all in ten years. Or we could burn out the polar caps in one hundred. That’s why, ultimately, space colonization is an imperative. Having all of our eggs in one basket (Earth) may possibly encourage humanity to treat that basket with care (although there’s been no evidence of this in the past.) But even if we were all environmental saints, some forces are beyond our control.
If that sounds like idealistic or theoretical gobbledy-gook, I’ll go realpolitik. Like the Olympics, the Space Race is one of the few ways that nations can indulge in healthy, non-lethal competition (or indeed, even more healthier collaboration.) I’d rather China, the US, Russia, Europe, etc., spent billions on trying to be the first nation on Mars rather than on finding new and horrible ways to kill each other.
Also, as Screenshot recently noted, there’s a strong argument to be made for R&D benefits of the space program. Yeah, we all know about Homer Simpson and the ants sorting small screws in space. But there have been plenty of offshoots of NASA missions that have been enormously useful. And, while I admit this line of reasoning could be used to prove almost anything, scientific research conducted in space may yet provide breakthroughs that would help solve many of our planet-wide problems, from famine and disease to energy resources and environmental degradation.
And, finally, it would take a long time to explain in detail my final reason for being behind the space program, which is on republican (small R) grounds. But the Cliff Notes is this: I believe democracies need large civic projects to bind them together (usually, they have taken on martial rhetoric – War on Poverty, War on Drugs). The space program advances knowledge and brings Americans together in a way that doesn’t necessarily involve any enemy but ignorance. As such, it should be pursued if no other reason than that it encourages us to dream together and inspires us to collective action.
So, to sum up, I am very much in favor of space exploration and the space program. But I do agree with you that NASA has become a bit bloated and inefficient, and that’s for all the reasons that government always gets fat – for one, there’s no bottom line. For another, short-term thinking and narrow, remunerative interests have grafted themselves onto the system. Hence, we have a rocket-based shuttle launch system that costs ridiculous amounts of money each time we use it because the check-cashing subcontractors have no real incentive to start working on cheaper, lighter space planes. In fact, I think that it is in this regard that the tragic deaths of the STS-107 crew may not be in vain. The fate of Columbia is going to cause some heads to roll, and hopefully some of NASA’s organizational priorities will be reconstituted from the bottom up.
So that’ s my piece on the space program. Sorry if it’s more inarticulate than I would have liked. To close, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention in passing at least one more reason I support the colonization of space. As Breaching the Web’s Wild West cartoon also suggests: Because it’s there. Strange and irrational as it might seem, it’s always been my dream to look back on Earth from the stars, and, for however infinitesimal and fleeting a moment, attempt to contemplate the striving of countless generations towards outer space. Call it a bias or a misplaced faith in progress, but I believe Humankind has a mission and a destiny to leave the cradle of Earth and to colonize other worlds, allowing all the weird, wild, and wonderful variations of human society to bloom and flourish across the cosmos.
Wildly idealistic and improbable as it might seem, this dream gives me hope. And when the Columbia splintered apart last Saturday, it wounded a portion of my idealism that even the unforgettable horrors of 9-11 couldn’t touch. Which is why I am moved to see in the wake of STS-107 that this dream is shared by many, many people, and that – despite the seven tragic deaths that day – the dream will continue.
He’s No Adlai.
Well, unfortunately I was in a class during Colin Powell’s presentation to the UN yesterday, so I can’t really attest to its effectiveness, although Saletan’s scorecard seems to suggest some minds were changed at the Security Council. (And the Guernica coverup, via Quiddity, made for some biting commentary on the day.) At any rate, it seems war is inevitable at this point…I only hope it was worth ticking off most of the international community to get our way.
Trailer Day.
A veritable plethora of fanboy/girl trailers have hit the web in the past few days. For one, “The Second Renaissance,” the first episode of the Animatrix, has been posted. It’s probably better than almost all of T3. Also, AICN points the way to an extended Hulk trailer and our first look at The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (The site’s down a lot, but you might get lucky…I did.) The latter looks a bit disappointing, but my hopes for LXG are at Daredevil levels right now anyway (although DD is actually getting surprisingly good reviews.) Update: The LXG trailer is now available here.
Please don’t go.
George Willis of the NY Post makes the case against trading Latrell Sprewell. Amen.
Bottoms Up.
Via an old crew friend, famous drunkards battle it out. I woulda thought the British Bulldog could have taken down Burton.
Move out and stay low!
Speaking of social warfare, FPS privates take note: The 1.3 patch for Battlefield 1942 is now online, featuring, among other tweaks, faster loading maps and quicker sniper reloads (the latter being the only major gaming area in which Day of Defeat is still definitively superior.) And it’s almost time to take the road to Rome…
Dogs of War.
The Village Voice scrutinizes the social habits of the military-industrial complex. (Not to judge a story by its cover, but this article, interesting on its own terms, also features a cartoon of dogs playing poker, which I must admit is a trope I’m particularly fond of.)