Salon checks in with Dr. Gonzo, Hunter S. Thompson, on the eve of a new memoir, Kingdom of Fear.
Author: KcM
I have much more to say about the fate of STS-107, but I think I’ll wait until I have enough time to do the topic justice. But I will say this now: I am going to get very aggravated if the world does engage in a full-scale retreat from space because of what happened Saturday morning. Such a decision is not only tremendously short-sighted, but also makes a mockery of all the hopes nurtured and risks faced by Astronauts Anderson, Brown, Chawla, Clark, Husband, McCool, and Ramon. They deserve better, as do we all.
Get your Motor Running.
Tonight at 10pm, Great Performances will air Dance in America: Born to be Wild, which features ABT‘s star male dancers, including my sister‘s boyfriend Ethan. Balletomanes will surely want to check it out.
Crack of Doom.
TORN.Net has the first spy report about what might be included in the 4-minute ROTK preview which will presumably be added to TTT at the end of March. MASSIVE spoilers for non-trilogy readers (I’m not sure I want to see the last scene mentioned until I see the full movie.) Also, if you don’t like the casting in the first two films, here’s some wallpapers to indulge you.

R.I.P. Crew of Columbia STS-107
This is terrible. I only hope that NASA rebounds from this tragedy much more quickly than after the Challenger 17 years ago. We owe it to the dreams of the fallen today to continue to pursue the challenges of space.
Get Your War On.
We’re clearly going to war, we’re giving all the old folks prescription drugs, we’re eliminating AIDS in Africa, and American taxpayers won’t have to pay a red cent. Anybody notice a problem? Dubya’s State of the Union promised a lot, including dividend goodies for the rich and flaming death to Saddam, but it didn’t say much about the actual State of the Union. At any rate, I was impressed with the AIDS initiative (although I’d be more impressed if he wasn’t getting advice from cranks like these), but otherwise didn’t think much of Dubya’s speech. I also doubt he changed anyone’s mind about the Iraq situation, but perhaps Secretary Powell’s speech next week will prove more fruitful. (Thacker link via Julian’s Jabberings.)
Superman Lives!
Great Caesar’s Ghost! Has Kal-El defeated the hacks? Apparently, both Brett Ratner and Michael Bay have now passed on the next Supes flick. And Chris Nolan of Memento is now tackling Batman. Perhaps DC might still throw off the Curse of Schumacher. (Yeah, right.) Update: Agh, Kryptonite! Ratner’s still on.
Welcome Back, Mr. Anderson.
During a 48-21 Tampa Bay blowout which never really got off the ground in terms of excitement, The Matrix sequels delivered the goods with this great new trailer. With the possible exception of Terry Tate, Office Linebacker (and I liked the Yao-Yo bit too), it was the highlight of the evening.
Looks like I’m switching to Tax Cut. Apparently TurboTax 2002 adds some unmentioned spyware (note the user reviews) to your hard drive. Bad call by Intuit. (Via Now This and What Do I Know?)
Dr. Frist’s Feline Felonies.
Bill Frist, cat-killer. (Via Triptych Cryptic.) Just when you think a reasonably normal Republican has come to power in the Senate, you read about freak show stuff like this. Bizarre.