Ailing Body Politic.

As the GOP Senate flexes its newfound muscle and slashes a number of domestic programs, President Clinton emerges to assail Dubya’s health policies. Keep it up, Republicans, and watch Dubya’s numbers founder.

Green Machine.

AICN gets an early look at the Hulk Superbowl trailer. I think the link is broken now (I managed to download it to my desktop before it went under, but I don’t feel like crashing this site by posting it online.), but you can see a few screen-caps of what the gamma-ray freak in question looks like. A bit more cartoony than I expected, but that seems a stylistic choice more than a lapse in the FX. It looks better than Daredevil, at any rate. Update: The trailer is now available here.

Cold Snap.

Hey y’all. Sorry it’s been quiet around here the past few days. The new semester is starting here, and I’ve been busier than usual perusing various classes and fashioning section lists. (Also got a chance to meet up with Genehack for a few drinks prior to the Linux expo, which was good fun.) Right now, I’m teaching a class on America between the wars (1918-45), and taking both legal history at the law school and an APD survey in the poli-sci department. Should be grand.

Happy Days are Here Again!

After eight years of (theoretical) belt-tightening, Congress guts its own gift ban, allowing congressional and corporate fatcats to frolic anew at golf courses and Wizards games all over DC. I mean, what’s the point of being a Congressperson if you can’t get all kinds of free schwag?

When Land Sharks Attack.

In a remarkable confluence of GOP shibboleths, the Bush economic plan will cut taxes on tricked-up SUV‘s. Makes sense – not only does it help out Dubya’s oil buddies, but I presume most SUV drivers (outside of Detroit) are GOP voters, particularly given the findings in this article (sent to me via Dumbmonkey.)

Biting that Hand that Fed You.

Dubya comes out against affirmative action in Michigan. Ummm…how does he think he got into Yale? Or got into Harvard Business School after a thoroughly mediocre performance as an Eli? Easy…affirmative action for the rich, which in my own experience brought easily the most unqualified students to the Ivies. If he wants to stop unfair admissions practices, perhaps he should start with the man in the mirror. (On another note, this seems like a really dumb move by the usually smart Dubya White House. Why come out against affirmative action so quickly after the Lott fiasco? Bad call by the politicos.)