Emboldened by Dubya’s dividend fiasco, the Dems get ready to fight back against the White House on both the dividend tax plan and the renomination of Pickering. I’m surprised Dubya endangered passage of the rest of his program by shoving Pickering down the Senate’s throat again. But, nothing fails like success, it seems…and the dauphin must get what he wants.
Author: KcM
Redneck Justice.
I’ve meant to link to this horrifying Tennessee state trooper incident for the past few days, but every time I read it I am filled with a fearsome rage. They shot the dog?!? Those frelling chumps…I’m not normally of an eye-for-an-eye persuasion, but that pathetic redneck excuse for an officer should really have to suffer for this, and I don’t mean monetarily. This guy’s gotta do some time. Grrrr…
Gondora gonna fallsa!
A year away and RotK spoilers keep on coming. Today we get out first look at Jar-Jaromir, half-brother of Boromir and Faramir. He looks perfect!
And the tap goes drip drip drip…
Break out the black turtleneck – it’s the return of mope rock! The Strokes be damned – Here‘s a derivative trend I can get into. And, strangely enough, I’ve had Joy Division in the CD player all week…who knew I was catching the zeitgeist? At any rate, hopefully some of these new acts can erase the bad memory of those fools Orgy butchering “Blue Monday.“
The Autobiographical Archives of Malcolm X.
After much negotiation, the Shabazz family donates the papers of Malcolm X to the Schomberg Center in Harlem. Excellent news, particularly for Columbia historians, who benefit from being next door to this fascinating new archive.
Ballet mistresses and Web masters.
Over the break, I took over webmaster responsibilities for my ballerina sister’s website from my parents. And after a move over to Cornerhost (whom I can ‘t say enough good things about. It’s a great place to reside.) and a quick redesign, GillianMurphy.com is open for business. If you’re interested in ballet at all, you might want to check it out.
Three hundred a vote.
The Dems release their own economic stimulus plan to counter Dubya’s dividend debacle. Not bad…definitely better than the Bush fiasco. But why not a payroll tax reduction, and what is up with these $300 tax rebates? I’m sorry, but in this day and age, particularly with credit cards so easy to obtain and abuse, $300 is not going to change anyone’s financial straits. Instead of making tough decisions or wise policies about what to do with taxpayer money, legislators are handing it back to us in meager amounts in what basically amounts as a voting bribe. Simply put, it’s an evasion of responsibility and a waste of time. Cut payroll taxes, restructure the rolls, do something…but don’t just keep handing out rebates. C’mon, Dems, you can do better. (Although, I must say it again, this still sounds like a much better plan than Dubya’s.)
Don’t call it a comeback.
They’ve been here for years. Nevertheless, the 108th Congress returns, with the GOP controlling all branches of government for the first time since the Jeffords defection. How much damage can they do in one term? I guess we’re going to find out.
Daschle Defers.
In a wise move, Tom Daschle has decided not to run in 2004. Given the crowded field and the outside shot of a South Dakotan going all the way, I really think this is for the best, and I think more of Daschle for realizing it too. If only Gephardt had come to the same conclusion.
It’s that time of year.
Return of the King isn’t the only film releasing stills early. Sony, Universal, and Warner Brothers have all recently released their 2003 promo packets, which include pics from such forthcoming films as The Matrix: Revolutions and The Coens’ Intolerable Cruelty. At right, we have Kate Beckinsale in Underworld, a vampires vs. werewolves West Side Story update (no singing, though.) Think she’s seen The Matrix (or Alias, for that matter)?