Oh great. NOW they start paying political appointees huge bonuses, despite both the recent raise freeze and impending job cuts for career government workers. Where was the love when I was at the FCC? Oh, that’s right – the Clinton administration didn’t indulge in this type of ridiculous cronyism. But nest-feathering patronage remains alive and well under Andy Card, just as it did ten years ago.
Author: KcM
Freedom of Disinformation.
Also courtesy of Looka, John Ashcroft is encouraging Justice Department lawyers to evade — or break — the Freedom of Information Act whenever possible. How frighteningly typical of our Attorney General…you gotta wonder at this point if he dresses up like Judge Dredd when nobody’s looking.
Things that make you go Hmmm.
“I can’t remember – when Kissinger signs a government paycheck, does he use a ballpoint pen, or the bloody severed limb of an East Timorese child?” This Kissinger redux edition of Get Your War On is grisly, profane, and hilarious. (Via Looka and Follow Me Here.)
Kerry steps out.
Democratic hopeful John Kerry bashes Dubya’s tax plan, and makes the case for payroll tax cuts instead. Nice move…payroll tax reduction isn’t only smart policy, it puts the GOP in an unhappy position – explaining why they’re suddenly against tax cuts that help average Americans at the expense of corporations.
Oh, Bird.
Which Sesame Street Muppet’s Dark Secret Are You? (Via Zippylog.) I’m not going to tell you which one mine was…who cares? I’m imaginary anyway.
Show Trial for the Mayberry Machiavellis.
Fredo, you’re my brother and I love you. But don’t ever take sides against the family again…ever. Actually, Frankie Pentangeli (of the roman bath) is probably a better Godfather reference in this case. Either way, former Bush appointee John DiIiluio is forced to take a dive after making anti-Rove statements in Esquire.
Gotta be the shoes.
Several people have told me that my sister Gill is featured prominently in an off-line New Yorker article about recent advances (and controversies) in ballet shoe technology. I haven’t read it yet, but thought I’d drop a note here anyway.
Legal Wrangling Cash Cows.
The legal battle over McCain-Feingold began today, with some strange bedfellows fighting for and against the soft money ban. I bet you can guess which side Ken Starr is on, though.
Don’t call it a comeback.
Andrew Jackson or William Jennings Bryan? Slate columnist and Columbia PhD David Greenberg reviews Gore‘s comeback chances in light of past history.
With two weeks to go until the big show, Two Towers reviews are flying fast and furious. I’m not linking to them directly because almost all of them are ridiculously spoilerific. Suffice to say (a) everybody loves it so far and (b) it feels more like a continuation of Fellowship than a sequel, which is exactly how it should be. Update: Here’s a new one that’s pretty spoiler-free – “The Two Towers proves that the Lord of the Rings series will probably stand as the greatest fantasy film trilogy of all time…It is a near-perfect piece of filmmaking.” Really? Well, I guess I’ll have to go see it, then.