As Minnesota picks up the pieces after Senator Wellstone’s untimely death, the GOP starts bashing (Walter) Mondale and Governor Body expects a challenge.
Author: KcM
R.I.P. Senator Paul Wellstone 1944-2002.
Oh no. This is horrible news. Wellstone was the progressive lion of the Senate. He’s going to be missed in so many ways. And, while it seems utterly rude to consider politics at this moment of personal tragedy, lest anyone else out there was at first imagining a Jeanne Carnahan scenario to save the contested Senate seat, his wife and daughter are also among the deceased. Will Governor Ventura appoint someone to the seat? Ted Mondale or Skip Humphrey? Whomever it is, I’m positive they won’t fill Wellstone’s shoes.
Paul Wellstone was one of the last champions of the little guy, fighting daily for campaign finance reform, corporate accountability, universal health care, and a cleaner, safer environment. When the Democrats were falling over each other to prostrate themselves before Gore, Wellstone broke ranks to support Bill Bradley. When all too many of his Democratic colleagues in Congress voted to cede their constitutionally-mandated authority to debate and declare war, Wellstone voted no to Dubya’s Johnson-esque power grab. In sum, Wellstone had in surplus those characteristics that are in such short supply in today’s Capitol — vision, compassion, and above all, integrity. In a sea of mealy-mouthed, equivocating liberals, he was a bold, fighting progressive.
And he is struck down in his prime. Meanwhile, Jesse “Race-baiting” Helms and Strom “Dixiecrat” Thurmond just go on and on and on. Sometimes the world seems so goddamn unfair I just can’t wrap my mind around it.
Poetry in Motion.
Rosalie O’Connor, a former dancer with ABT, now has her own photography site full of striking pictures, including this one of dancers in the wings watching one of Gill‘s performances. Definitely worth a look-see. (Via Listen Missy.)
State of Insurrection.
The site for Gods and Generals goes live with numerous new pics, including this one of Robert Duvall channeling Robert E. Lee. Apparently the narrative arc goes from the beginning of the war to the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863…so I presume it ends with the death of Stonewall Jackson. We’ll see. At any rate, between this and Gettysburg, Jeff Daniels must be getting some kind of kickback from the Chamberlain estate. And who’s playing Lincoln?
Mein Gott!
If the Civil War ain’t your bag, another X2 pic of Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler bamffed into Newsweek recently. Still hard to say how this is going to look until we see him move.
Hey, buddy, who asked you?
Dahlia Lithwick surveys Ken Starr‘s recent paean to the Rehnquist Court. “Starr’s ideology seeps into the book in other ways — ways that make him sound like he’s sometimes channeling Ann Coulter. He calls Justices Breyer and Ginsburg ‘Clinton appointees’ three times in three pages, as if by invoking their champion he might tar them as philandering perverts as well. So anxious is Starr about ‘liberals,’ the ‘cultural elites,’ and the ‘New York Times editorial pages,’ that the words are frequently thrown out, Coulter-fashion, to stand as self-explicating negatives.” Ok, thanks Ken…now please crawl back into your hole.
Crunch Time.
Down ten points with two weeks to go in the race for the New York governorship, the Dems threaten to cut Carl McCall off in order to work on removing Jeb in Florida. Hmmm…that’s a lot of ground to make up, particularly given that the sniper story has halted political coverage over the past ten days or so. If in fact the DC sniper was apprehended this morning, I wonder if the networks will get back in the business of election coverage. Somehow, I doubt it…and if they do it’ll be more about Saddam than the economy. Sigh.
Gallifreyan Impound.
In a dispute between London’s police force and the BBC, the latter wins the Tardis.
Lincoln Bedroom, Schmincoln Bedroom.
Looks like Iraq or the economy isn’t keeping him too busy. As it turns out, Rove and Dubya are using the White House for midterm partisan purposes in unprecedented fashion. Even NASA’s got in on the act, and what the hell has Bush done for NASA?
Trust Elvis.
The Elvis Costello show at the Beacon the other evening was superb (set list here)…I was surprised how good he sounds live. I expected his voice to be a little more off, but he could hit all the notes and wavers from the studio versions. If I could pick three Elvis songs I had to hear, they’d be “Man Out of Time,” “Indoor Fireworks,” and – most importantly – “I Want You,” so I was not disappointed. (Yeah, “Alison,” “Beyond Belief,” or “Everyday I Write the Book” would’ve been cool too, but I’ll take what I can get.) The third encore in particular, the blue-lit, NIN-esque version of “I Want You” paired with “Almost Blue,” was truly a thing of beauty. As for Underworld the other night, I was underwhelmed…mostly by the venue, which was way too small and overbooked for a dance show. In fact, I’ve pretty much given up on the Hammerstein as a venue by this point. (More on the Underworld show in the comments of this post at Do You Feel Loved.) Did I mention that Elvis is King?