“Bush is moving fast these days. The commander in chief spends all his time waging war on Democrats. He should perhaps pause long enough to explain to those in Congress why he withheld the news about North Korea’s nuclear program from them for 12 days, making sure that the war resolution was safely passed without any distracting revelations.” Post columnist Mary McGrory tries to understand the difference for Dubya between Iraq and North Korea.
Author: KcM
Rorschach Test.
AICN’s Moriarty (the only reviewer over there worth reading) has nothing but good things to say about David Hayter’s screenplay for Watchmen. Now there’s a film I’d like to see pulled off properly.
Livin’ in the 80’s.
If you’re one of the many gamers out there avidly awaiting Grand Theft Auto Vice City in eight days, the official site has some interesting stuff up, including a radio station preview and Kent Paul’s Nostalgia Site. Looks like we’ll be hearing more from both Lazlo and Fernando Martinez on the 29th.
Many Condolences.
Many condolences to my good friend Jon on the passing of his father this week at the age of 71. Jon’s dad had been battling cancer for much of the past year. My deepest sympathies go out to he and his family.
Leather and Claws.
Several images from two sequels eagerly awaited by the fanboy nation come to light: Matrix: Reloaded and X2.
The Other Shoe Drops.
Perhaps content that Saddam’s “resurgence” has snuffed out media coverage of Enrongate for the time being, Dubya tries to gut the SEC’s budget increase, making it impossible for the agency to fulfill the requirements of the recently-signed Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Absolutely shameful. And, as per usual, I think we can guess who’s the brains behind these latest shenanigans.
Born to Run.
The trailer for Steven Spielberg’s Catch Me If You Can, featuring Leo di Caprio and Tom Hanks, is now online. Still seems a strange choice for Spielberg, but I’ll admit I’m curious.
The Right-Thinking Warbot.
Paging Fox News…LinkMachineGo has discovered a robot that randomly detects lefty media bias for you. This might just be the worst thing that’s ever happened to Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly.
Here He Comes to Save the Day!
Our current crop of 2004 Dem potentials may look like a bunch of cowardly, poll-obsessed, not-ready-for-prime-time sycophants, but we still have our ace in the hole. Anyone else up for repealing the 22nd Amendment?
King of New York.
That ain’t Superfly or Marcellus Wallace. That’s Wilson Fisk, looking much more like the fearsome Kingpin than I’d ever imagined. In the still-extant case on the Daredevil movie, this goes in the thumbs’ up pile. Update: The rest of the main characters get their due.