John McCain gets flak from Drudge and elsewhere for missing a Defense spending vote to prep for Saturday Night Live. Hmm. I think you can go ahead and file this complaint along with the ones about Cornel West being in The Matrix sequels. While it’s true that all the rehearsing in the world isn’t going to make 75% of today’s SNL skits funny, the bill in question passed 93-1. I’m not sure how McCain voting on it would have made much of a difference. And it’s not like this is last week’s Iraq vote, where every Senator should be on record for or against ceding their Constitutional authority to the President. In fact, I think you can argue it’ll make more difference to have a few grotesquely apolitical Americans see “that cool senator” on a late-night show.
Author: KcM
State of Emergency.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. In fact, panic. And remember, if something bad happens, we told you. So it’s not our fault. Nope, no sir. Oh, and happy halloween.
Born Slippy, Beyond Belief.
This appears to be the one week a year when I take advantage of living in NYC. A high school friend has procured me a ticket to see Underworld tonight at the Hammerstein, and then Tuesday I’m off to the Beacon to catch one of those acts on my must-see list for years, Elvis Costello and the Imposters. If the setlist is anything as ridiculous as Wednesday‘s, the show is going to be off the hook…Man Out of Time, Indoor Fireworks, Beyond Belief, Alison, Almost Blue, and I Want You?! Unbelievable.
Elegance on Stage …
Gill‘s ABT run at City Center began this week, with this well-reviewed show on Tuesday. The show Wednesday was also quite good – I even enjoyed Symphony in C, which I’m bit a sick of at this point (second movement notwithstanding). And I’ll be returning next week to catch the Harrison piece.
…and Terror in the Aisles.
If ballet’s not your bag, Lincoln Center is going against type and offering some blood-spattering good fun with Scary Movies: 30 Years of Horror. I’d like to catch some of these if possible. particularly Ringu, Deathdream, and Horror Express.
Ok, I think I’m a day away from beating this flu bug. Unfortunately, I appear to have infected a number of people in my program. If you’re reading this, my bad, y’all.
The Enemy of my Enemy.
Strange times, indeed…are Bob Barr and Dick Armey our last, best hope in preventing Ashcroft’s America?
Media Cordon.
“Ari has the uncanny ability to suck information out of a room.” The NYT delves into reporters’ issues with Dubya’s White House. As a journalist friend of mine put it, “Ari Fleischer is the first press secretary in American History whose conferences result in a net loss of information.” In sum, the guy’s just not ready for prime time.
Riding the Fence.
Just when you thought it was safe to visit Iowa, the Post checks in with the Gore camp and their “definitely maybe” electoral strategy.
Running Silent, Running Deep.
Since it’s getting absolutely no word-of-mouth from Dimension Studios, I thought I’d note here that Below, the haunted submarine thriller staring Bruce Greenwood (Thirteen Days), Olivia Williams (Rushmore), Jason Flemyng (Lock Stock), and Dexter Fletcher (ditto), is actually pretty good. A stilted beginning and a trite ending, sure, but I thought the middle hour and fifteen minutes was both stylish and unsettling. A B+ B movie, if nothing else.