The secret court overseeing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) rebuff Ashcroft’s plea for increased wiretap powers, and declares the FBI has misled the court over 75 times. Never thought I’d be on the side of a secret court, but there you go. It must be getting really ugly over at Justice if somebody’s leaking this bad boy.
Author: KcM
I am Tiger Woods.
Try your hand at Online Mini-Putt, via Catherine’s Pita. I got a 44 first time around…and I’m afraid to try again ’cause I doubt I’ll do any better.
Market Fundamentalism.
Financier and philanthropist George Soros weighs in on the recent spate of corporate malfeasance and the dangers of “market fundamentalism.”
Mr. Emanuel goes to Washington.
Former Clinton aide (and Stephanopoulos replacement) Rahm Emanuel wins his Illinois primary and, barring an historic upset, will enter Congress in November. Good luck to him, I suppose…he’s extremely effective when on the offensive, but back in the Carville days he was always one of those guys on the phone who treated you like the help. (We were the help, of course…nevertheless, his phone manner was definitely lacking. We weren’t even his subordinates.) At any rate, gracious or no, I’m sure he’ll do well in Congress.
Meet You All the Way.
Many congrats to John and Lor at Genehack on the birth of their daughter, Rosanna.
Headline News Wars.
Fox News goes for the jugular after CNN discloses it paid for their now-ubiquitous Al Qaeda tapes. All I know is I much preferred CNN back when they were the Clinton News Network and not the Child Nabbed Network. They’ve been going steadily downhill ever since Isaacson took over. (Not that I’ll be watching Fox News or anything.)
The Dubya-Dip Downturn.
Bush administration strategists fear the wrath of a W-shaped recession.
Liberty Lad [OwP] —> l337M0rk [0rK].
Robin Williams plays DoD?! Hmm…I wonder if I’ve killed him…That’s for Patch Adams, n00b.
Second-Class Citizens, First-Class Surveillance.
Sketching an eerie parallel to Ashcroft’s current war on libraries, Derrick Jackson surveys the FBI’s long and ignoble history concerning Black America.
No Strength Left in the World of Men.
Since no update would be complete without ’em, we’ve got more Two Towers pics, including all-new shots of Eomer and Faramir. Spoilers for those who haven’t read the trilogy.