The NYT contrasts the LBJ and Dubya ranches. “While Lyndon B. Johnson used his 2,700 acres as a political tool and power base to both stroke and dominate guests at his barbecues along the Pedernales River, Mr. Bush, the gregarious former fraternity president, has used his 1,600 acres as an isolated retreat to entertain family and a few old Texas friends.” Hmmm…perhaps it’s because the channels of power usually flow around rather than through our Dauphin, eh?
Author: KcM
Sinister Intentions.
Doh…looks like I missed International Left-Hander’s Day…spent the day typing with both hands. Should’ve at least played basketball or (lefty-strung) guitar or something. Ah, well…maybe next year. As a kid, I was a much more militant lefty, but you gotta put up with so much more back then…the kindergarten scissors don’t cut, the Crayola markers smear, yadda yadda yadda. I even had a subscription to Lefthanders Magazine for about a year there around sixth grade. It was bound the wrong way (highly confusing overkill), offered such scintillating articles as “Bruce Willis…left-hander of the year!”, and basically never ventured very far afield from this pic. (Both links via Scratching Post.)
Highway 61 Revisited.
Dylan announces his Fall 2002 tour dates…alas, it looks like he’s coming nowhere near the Big City.
The Real World: Gotham City.
Green Lantern fights gay-bashing. I don’t find the gay sidekick storyline half as shocking as the fact that they actually gave that whiny cat Judd from the third season of Real World an A-line comic.
Paging Wonder Woman?
More trouble on the Supes/Bats film project…director Wolfgang Petersen is apparently doing another project first – he’ll be joining Martin Scorsese, Oliver Stone, Baz Luhrmann, and Ridley Scott in developing yet another Gladiator-esque historical epic, Troy.
Gods and Generals Galore.
All kinds of behind-the-scenes photos of Gods and Generals are up on the web, including Sen. Robert Byrd cameoing (I presume) in Confederate attire. I’m confused…shouldn’t a West Virginia senator be wearing the Union blue?
Gibbering Puppets.
Ever wonder how the Feebles got so depraved? Perhaps this explains it…Tales of the Plush Cthulhu. (Via Lots of Co.)
Doris Kearns Badwin.
According to the LA Times and Mickey Kaus of Slate, another book of Doris Kearns Goodwin‘s, No Ordinary Time, suffers from Ambrose Syndrome (Ambrosia?). That’s a shame.
Doctorate of Evil.
Also from Genehack (What can I say, his links, as per usual, are butter), The Top 100 Things I’d Do
If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord. For example, No. 22: No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head.
Better Bombing Through Chemistry.
Giving new meaning to the term “War on Drugs,” the Air Force is giving pilots uppers and downers for bombing raids. If it’s anything stronger than a Red Bull, it’s probably not a good idea, as no doubt many Afghan civilians can attest. (Via Genehack.)