ESPN tries to reinvent the Knicks. Houston for Van Horn sounds better than any of the Sprewell trades I’ve been hearing.
Author: KcM
An Australian research team may have pulled off a successful scramjet test, which, according to the article, would mean “one of the most significant technological advances since American Chuck Yeager became the first person to break the sound barrier in 1947.” If nothing else, to be able to fly to Australia and back in two hours would be something else.
Dear Thai-ry…
Visiting spaceships and penis shrines, My friend Seth reports in from Bangkok.
Talkin’ the Talk.
“The era of low standards and false profits is over…No boardroom in America is above or beyond the law.”. And with that, Bush signs the corporate reform bill. He then leaned into the microphone, made the Dubya face, and declared, “You can run but you can’t hide, Dick Cheney. We’re going to hunt you down like the agent of evil you are. You hear me talkin’, Halliburton boy?“
Halloween Hall of Fame.
Sportsguy Bill Simmons pens the Michael Myers’ Sportscentury. Pretty lame, I know, but the Hubie Brown bit really cracked me up. “OK, you’re Michael Myers. You have a tremendous amount of upside for a serial killer, but you have to understand, you’ve been locked up for the past 15 years…“
Fanboy makes good.
Rising star Vin Diesel loves his D&D. Who knew?
Dog and Pony Show.
Dem hopefuls line up to kow-tow to the DLC. You’d think given the current economic climate that some modicum of progressivism might take hold in the party of the Left. But, no, it’s “New Democrat” this and “Al Gore” that all over again.
The asteroid noted here last update will miss Earth in 2019, although it may be coming back circa 2060.
The Rings Motherlode.
Elves going west, Bilbo writing, Isildur in trouble, and Gollum on a log(!), and that’s just the Fellowship stuff. gets their hands on tons of precious stills from The Two Towers and the extended Fellowship [Spoilers, and, if you’re keeping score, give yourself ten points.]
Cleopatra Bellucci.
Garth points the way to the Asterix and Cleopatra trailer.