Corporate Scandal Trading Cards…collect them all!
Author: KcM
The Escapist Gutted.
Corona reviews the Kavalier and Klay script by Michael Chabon, and finds it sorely lacking compared to the book. [Spoilers].
Shrinking Coattails.
In the wake of the administration’s corporate shadiness, GOP candidates run away from Dubya and his vice-president.
The Road to Perdition.
NYT editorialist Frank Rich deftly skewers Dubya yet again. “For [Bush’s] first pitch, he appeared against a blue background emblazoned with the repeated legend ‘Corporate Responsibility.’ Next came a red backdrop, with ‘Strengthening Our Economy’ as the double-vision-inducing slogan. What will be strike three – black-and-white stripes and ‘Dick Cheney Is Not a Crook’? Maybe this rah-rah technique helped boost the numbers back when George W. Bush was head cheerleader in prep school. But he’s not at Andover anymore. Where his father’s rhetoric gave us a thousand points of light, his lopped a thousand points off the Dow.”
Suspicion Breeds Confidence.
How to Identify a Terrorist, from the Office of Homeland Security. (Via Quiddity.)
NSync Nspace.
Apparently NSyncer Lance Bass has negotiated a deal to become the youngest person ever in space. As I’ve said before, if I had that kind of disposable income, I’d probably be trying to do what he’s doing. Bully for him.
Send in the Clowns.
A gang of clowns rob a Manchester wine bar, getting away despite three accidents en route. Probably wouldn’t normally blog this if I didn’t currently have Grand Theft Auto III (which I borrowed from my sister over the weekend) on the brain. (Via Triptych Cryptic.)
American Psycho.
Turns out I got the Superman vs. Batman rumors mentioned here Tuesday exactly backward. Bale is up for Batman, while Rudd is being considered to play Clark Kent. That makes much more sense…my b.
My Buddy.
Surfers go ga-ga over their IM buddy-bots.
Attack of the Clerks.
Director Kevin Smith offers some dubious praise for Episode 2.