“The debate about the parentage of the bastard Jon Snow has been one of the biggest concerning the series. In SSM #159, George R. R. Martin admitted that Jon’s parents will eventually be revealed in later volumes of the series. Thus, the reader can assume that the secret of his parentage will play some important point in the plot, and that there has been some sort of foreshadowing leading up to this. Currently, there are three pairs of parents that seem likely.“
With the first book under my belt, I’m now fighting a losing war to stick to my original plan of not getting ahead of the TV show before Season 2. And, while A Clash of Kings remains unbought so far, I did read this extensively-evidenced and seemingly definitive essay on the parentage of Jon Snow. (It draws on the first three books, but mostly on Game of Thrones.) After reading this, I’d be very surprised if this wasn’t the truth of it.
This might just make it worse, but I far preferred Book 3 to Book 2. Book 2 had a lot of things I found boring: lots more characters, geography, politics, and a very confusing battle. Book 3 focussed more on character and plot, I thought.
I am definitely addicted. 15% into book 4, according to Kindle app.
I like the Jon Snow article, and I’m definitely leaning towards that last theory myself…