“Mr. Frodo, there’s light and beauty up there, that no shadow can touch.” Really, Sam? Tell it to the Witch-King. At long last, New Line officially announces the Return of the King Extended Edition, with 50 new minutes of footage, to be released on December 14. (Pre-orders begin Oct. 1.) For this, I am very thankful. Update: More info here, including a good bet at who kills PJ the Corsair Captain.
Category: Peter Jackson
Kong for a Day.
Knowing the importance of keeping the fanboy nation happy, PJ shows off Jack Black and Naomi Watts in costume over at KongisKing.Net. Update: PJ’s back with Black (and Brody) aboard the SS Venture.
Greedo shoots first (but only barely).
Bill Hunt of the Digital Bits reviews the Star Wars Original Trilogy DVD box set, and includes screenshots of the various tweaks made since the 1997 re-releases. Hayden Christiansen replacing Sebastian Shaw is really lame, but thankfully the Madness of King George didn’t extend to including Jimmy Smits and Natalie Portman at various points as earlier rumored. In other fanboy DVD news, The Return of the King: Extended Edition has (finally) been officially announced for Dec. 14. (Pre-orders start tomorrow, which hopefully will prompt New Line to release an official version of the Comicon EE trailer.) Update: New Line revokes the EE date. What’s going on over there?
Another Gotham Invader.
The cast of PJ’s King Kong convene in New Zealand to begin shooting on the great ape epic. Can we take Kong over Cheney? I’ll say this for the big fella…at least Kong was brought to New York against his will.
Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew…the bizarre LotR-themed “Taters Song” now has its own Flash-y video. Well, I guess it helps pass the time ’til the Extended Edition trailer (which is currently rumored to drop on Friday.) Update: Ok, well, clearly Friday was wrong. The new buzz is at Dragon*Con over Labor Day weekend.
The Light of Earendil.
It is long since we had any hope…until now. At long last, details of the extended Return of the King are officially unveiled by New Line at Comicon: Apparently due out December (Some reports say the 10th, but that’s a Friday), the film will be fifty minutes longer, and the deluxe version will feature this spiffy Minas Tirith model. Now, hopefully the four minutes of Comicon preview footage will make it on to the official site in the next few days. Update: Until then, we’ve got a shaky Kramervision version online (replete with aggravating shrieking fangirls) and a frame-by-frame analysis…booyah. I’m particularly liking Sam seeing the star in Mordor and the Witch King’s cruel boast.
Eat the Piano Player/Sirius Blacker.
In fanboy casting news, The Pianist‘s Thomas Kretschmann joins PJ’s King Kong, while Gary Oldman thinks of signing on as Episode III’s General Grievous.
Smeagol goes Ape.
The rumors are true: Peter Jackson talks more about Andy Serkis (Gollum) as King Kong.
On the Comeback Trail.
Booyah…We’re finally getting close to a release date for the RotK:EE: December.
Time? What time do you think we have? While the world enjoys the RotK theatrical edition (released on DVD last Tuesday…or earlier, if you live in NYC), the Extended Edition runs into delays, and now might not see the light of day until 2005. For what it’s worth, Entertainment Weekly has at least confirmed some inclusions, although nothing we haven’t heard before. Ah well, I’m ok with waiting a few extra months if it’ll mean a difference in quality.