The Post handicaps the 2004 Senate races. And it appears the Dems’ll have trouble in the South if Graham and/or Edwards don’t stand down by then.
Category: Congress
Magic Numbers.
A 40-page House report (prepared by Henry Waxman) finds that the Bush Administration consistently misuses science data to buttress their political goals. But what can you really expect from a President who believes “the jury’s still out” on evolution?
Fritz Hollering.
“I can tell you this categorically, we’ve got the weakest president and weakest government in the history of my 50 years of public service. I say weak president in that the poor boy campaigns all the time and pays no attention to what’s going on in the Congress. Karl Rove tells him to do this or do that or whatever it is, but he’s out campaigning.” On his way out the door, South Carolina’s Fritz Hollings speaks his mind on Dubya. Hear hear.
“Arrogance of Power.”
In the nearly-ten years since the 1994 “Contract with America,” notes the Washington Post, the GOP has come to embrace the same heavy-handed tactics they once railed against. Can’t say I’m surprised.
DeLay’s Dollars.
“Tom DeLay is the king of congressional influence-money. In DeLay’s world, the operating rule is you have to pay to play.” Democracy 21 takes a comprehensive look at the Exterminator’s money machine, and it ain’t pretty.
The Freefall continues.
“The president’s approval rating fell to 59%, its lowest level since March…Democrats had a 17-point advantage, 53%-36%, when poll respondents were asked which party would do a better job handling the economy. In January, the GOP had a 43%-42% edge.“
It’s getting ugly.
District police are forced to break up a House party on the Hill, after Republicans and Democrats almost come to blows over a pension bill. It’s not exactly Lyon v. Griswold or Brooks v. Sumner, but it is a sad reflection of the loss of civility occasioned by Newt Gingrich and Tom De Lay’s exterminator politics. You didn’t see this type of thing happening in the Tip O’ Neill era.
Packing Heat.
Via my friend Mark, Orrin Hatch is trying to lift the handgun ban in DC. Aren’t Republicans supposed to be for home rule? “District officials, including Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D), Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), Council Chairman Linda W. Cropp (D) and police chief Charles H. Ramsey opposed the legislation.” If you want to kowtow to campaign-contributing gun nuts, Senator, then hand out free semis to Salt Lake City residents or something…don’t take out your frustrations on the District.
Bring the Pain.
Perhaps taking a page from the Governor of Vermont (whom he declined to attack), Kerry turns up the heat on Dubya and Weaponsgate, as do the Congressional Dems. Good…the pressure from now herein should be furious and unrelenting. And under no circumstances should the Bushies be allowed to get away with lying to America by pinning it on John Bull.
The Doctor is Out (of his mind).
Kowtowing to right-wing unrest following Lawrence v. Texas, Senate Majority Leader Bill “Catkiller” Frist wants to write a gay marriage ban into the Constitution. Where are the true “conservatives” on this question? Surely, most would agree that the doctor and his cronies should not be scribbling their prejudicial rants upon our founding document, no?