March Madness? With even Bush Sr. now calling out his son’s unilateralism (Bully for him, via Looka), Pat Buchanan (and, to be fair, Dem Congressman Jim Moran) decrying his fellow conservatives as being dupes for an Israeli conspiracy, and the Republicans renaming the french fries as “freedom fries” in the House cafeteria, it appears the Grand Old Party has been reduced to mass hysteria by the looming war in Iraq. Add these bizarre episodes to the assault on civil liberties mentioned below and the nation’s growing economic woes (which the Bushies are now responding to by hiding information), and I’m now starting to think the 2004 election might just be the Dems to lose.
Category: Congress
Bugs not Bombs.
Ethel the Blog recently posted this old article reaffirming the fact that GOP House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is a freak show. Worth perusing on the eve of an Iraq war, as DeLay calls Dems the “appeasement party”, is this choice nugget – DeLay on Vietnam: “He and Quayle, DeLay explained to the assembled media in New Orleans, were victims of an unusual phenomenon back in the days of the undeclared Southeast Asian war. So many minority youths had volunteered for the well-paying military positions to escape poverty and the ghetto that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like himself.“
How to be Good.
Much to their chagrin, political party ops and fundraisers go to “school” to try and figure out how to navigate (around) McCain-Feingold. It’s kinda sad how many reps are quoted as saying variations of “Wow, if I had known this bill was really going to stop us from getting all that money, I never would have voted for it.”
Dr. Frist’s Feline Felonies.
Bill Frist, cat-killer. (Via Triptych Cryptic.) Just when you think a reasonably normal Republican has come to power in the Senate, you read about freak show stuff like this. Bizarre.
Ailing Body Politic.
As the GOP Senate flexes its newfound muscle and slashes a number of domestic programs, President Clinton emerges to assail Dubya’s health policies. Keep it up, Republicans, and watch Dubya’s numbers founder.
Happy Days are Here Again!
After eight years of (theoretical) belt-tightening, Congress guts its own gift ban, allowing congressional and corporate fatcats to frolic anew at golf courses and Wizards games all over DC. I mean, what’s the point of being a Congressperson if you can’t get all kinds of free schwag?
The Terminator.
Should the Dems cultivate their own Jesse Helms? Hopefully, we can do better than that.
Majority Report.
While GOP freak show Tom DeLay consolidates his hold over the House, Republican senators take Dubya to task for not keeping them in the loop.
Fighting Mad.
Emboldened by Dubya’s dividend fiasco, the Dems get ready to fight back against the White House on both the dividend tax plan and the renomination of Pickering. I’m surprised Dubya endangered passage of the rest of his program by shoving Pickering down the Senate’s throat again. But, nothing fails like success, it seems…and the dauphin must get what he wants.
Three hundred a vote.
The Dems release their own economic stimulus plan to counter Dubya’s dividend debacle. Not bad…definitely better than the Bush fiasco. But why not a payroll tax reduction, and what is up with these $300 tax rebates? I’m sorry, but in this day and age, particularly with credit cards so easy to obtain and abuse, $300 is not going to change anyone’s financial straits. Instead of making tough decisions or wise policies about what to do with taxpayer money, legislators are handing it back to us in meager amounts in what basically amounts as a voting bribe. Simply put, it’s an evasion of responsibility and a waste of time. Cut payroll taxes, restructure the rolls, do something…but don’t just keep handing out rebates. C’mon, Dems, you can do better. (Although, I must say it again, this still sounds like a much better plan than Dubya’s.)