Come on aboard, I promise you, you won’t hurt the horse… The Democratic field in 2004 continues to grow, with Senator Carol Moseley-Braun and Rep. Dennis Kucinich joining the ranks of the contenders. At this point, the more the merrier, I say – it’s just too bad a that frontloaded primary season is going to make it all about money in the end.
Category: Democrats
Post-President for Life.
The James Fallows interview with Bill Clinton I mentioned earlier is now online at TheAtlantic. Slightly out-of-date by this point, but interesting nonetheless.
Bradley WetWorks.
One of the many nice things about living in New York rather than DC these days is not having to listen to ex-Gore flunkies gleefully recite war stories from the 2000 primary. But, I must admit, the admission in this article sent to me by a friend brought all the Gore fear and loathing of 2000 (lI’m sure many long-time readers remember it well) roaring back like a mouthful of bile. Seeing that Bill Bradley was up in the New Hampshire polls, Gore ops created a traffic jam on I-93 to discourage Bradley supporters from voting. So, next time you hear some Dem flak blaming Nader voters for the results of 2000, remember it might just have been those same flaks purposely clogging traffic to give us Mediscare Al as our choice of candidate. Grrr…
Treading Lightly Amid the Palmettos.
John Edwards and the rest of the Democratic field try to figure out how to manage the NAACP boycott of South Carolina. Sigh…between Bob Jones University and the Stars ‘n Bars, it’s always a bit embarrassing to hail from South Carolina in an election year. Hopefully a day will someday come when the post-Strom Palmetto State will finally get its act together.
Chip off the old Block.
James Fallows on Bill Clinton on John Edwards, coming soon in The Atlantic Monthly. (In the meantime, you can peruse Fallows’ annotated version of Dubya’s State of the Union address.)
Ailing Body Politic.
As the GOP Senate flexes its newfound muscle and slashes a number of domestic programs, President Clinton emerges to assail Dubya’s health policies. Keep it up, Republicans, and watch Dubya’s numbers founder.
The Terminator.
Should the Dems cultivate their own Jesse Helms? Hopefully, we can do better than that.
Joining the Fray.
To noone’s surprise, Lieberman’s in for 2004. As long-time readers will know, he’s easily my least favorite of the candidates so far. In fact, he’s barely a Democrat…more like Diet Republican.
Fighting Mad.
Emboldened by Dubya’s dividend fiasco, the Dems get ready to fight back against the White House on both the dividend tax plan and the renomination of Pickering. I’m surprised Dubya endangered passage of the rest of his program by shoving Pickering down the Senate’s throat again. But, nothing fails like success, it seems…and the dauphin must get what he wants.
Three hundred a vote.
The Dems release their own economic stimulus plan to counter Dubya’s dividend debacle. Not bad…definitely better than the Bush fiasco. But why not a payroll tax reduction, and what is up with these $300 tax rebates? I’m sorry, but in this day and age, particularly with credit cards so easy to obtain and abuse, $300 is not going to change anyone’s financial straits. Instead of making tough decisions or wise policies about what to do with taxpayer money, legislators are handing it back to us in meager amounts in what basically amounts as a voting bribe. Simply put, it’s an evasion of responsibility and a waste of time. Cut payroll taxes, restructure the rolls, do something…but don’t just keep handing out rebates. C’mon, Dems, you can do better. (Although, I must say it again, this still sounds like a much better plan than Dubya’s.)