Haunting the Web Since 1999
Alas, today would’ve been Jim Henson’s 70th birthday. In honor of the occasion, my sis-in-law sent along a scan of this sad (and arguably deeply disturbing) comic, which originally appeared in Cerebus back in the day (and which I used to have on a T-shirt, before it disintegrated.) Happy birthday, JH.
“I can’t get married – I’m a thirty-year-old boy.” By way of The Late Adopter, Fight Club is finally explained to everyone’s satisfaction — it was meant to be a sequel to Calvin & Hobbes.
Opus returns (by way of Now This.) Can a Billy and the Boingers re-u be far behind?
“I can’t remember – when Kissinger signs a government paycheck, does he use a ballpoint pen, or the bloody severed limb of an East Timorese child?” This Kissinger redux edition of Get Your War On is grisly, profane, and hilarious. (Via Looka and Follow Me Here.)