For those of you who didn’t buy the theatrical version of LOTR:TTT and haven’t watched a friend’s copy to see the juice, this new fan-made RotK trailer (from the people who created the “Smaug Awakens” Hobbit trailer) contains much of the best footage from the DVD extras. Enjoy.
Category: LotR
Of Fouettes and Frodo.
As part of their fall preview, the NY Times takes in Robert Altman and Neve Campbell’s Company (the Joffrey Ballet), and Elvis Mitchell sings the praises of Peter Jackson.
Lost in Translation.
Thrill to the adventures of Arogon, Gandlof Foorgray, Gibley, and the Hoberts. My friend Giovanni sends along these Engrish TTT bootleg captions. The strength of the ring barrel is fading…
Forth Eorlingas.
Also out today (as you probably well know) is the LOTR: Two Towers theatrical DVD. In related news, the happy news came down during my travel days that New Line will be screening the FotR and TTT extended editions prior to RotK this December. While it may require hobbit-like levels of sloth, I think I’m going to gear up for an all-day marathon on the 16th.
It’s Getting Heavier…
(Aw, he’s not heavy, he’s my Frodo, man.) Since they look so grand and since this space has seemed mighty empty of late, here’s the new RotK teaser posters (to go with the Aragorn one released a few months ago.) Enjoy.

Fractured Mirror.
Just a Fool’s Hope…

A special treat today…At long last, a Return of the King trailer! Judging from the lines and the lack of New Line stamp at the beginning, this looks to be the trailer included on the theatrical version of the Two Towers DVD, to be released August 26. And it looks GREAT!
Update: They’ve stolen the preciousss! Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones who obtained a copy before New Line dropped the hammer. ‘Tis really a beauteous thing.
Update 2: I’m getting a number of e-mails from people asking me to send them the trailer. This won’t happen. My advice is (a) go here or here, (b) if they don’t work, check out the comments in this AICN thread for a new location (beware major spoilers), and/or (c) fire up Kazaa.
Taller Towers.
“The land had changed. Where before the green dale had lain, its grassy slopes lapping the ever-mounting hills, there now a forest loomed.” A lucky AICN spy from down under has seen the extended Two Towers, and he’s compiled a list of the major additions to the film. Massive spoilers here…spoilers that make me very happy.
Here Comes the Reign Again.
Although not as much news about Return of the King leaked out from Comiccon as I would have liked, ex-Eurythmics siren Annie Lennox has announced she’s singing on the “title” track (like Enya [“May it Be”] and Emiliana Torrini [“Gollum’s Song”] before her.) Well, I prefer this to the Liv Tyler song rumor that went around a few months back, even if that is a bit unfair (I’ve never heard Tyler sing.) Perhaps they’ll both make the final cut.
Raw and Wriggling.
Mmmm, pot noodles. You can keep your nasty chips…they’re prrreciousss.