Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Village people take note: Having passed over season 2/28 of Dr. Who to David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston will instead channel Patrick McGoohan’s Number Six for a six-episode revival of BBC cult classic The Prisoner. Hmm…more Who is always a good thing, but this sounds unnecessary.

It’s a Bond! It’s a Pirate! It’s…Superman!

The trailer bin runneth over this evening, with the english teaser for Daniel Craig’s Bond debut in Casino Royale, the new trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest, and the full trailer for Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns. More summer fun than you can shake a stick at.

Transatlantic Supermen.

Some actors with big shoes to fill make their online premieres today: Brandon Routh shows off his Kryptonian flying skills in this Superman Returns-tie-in Coke commercial, and new 007 Daniel Craig dons the tux for this French teaser for Casino Royale.

You’re so Iron and you don’t even know it.

Among a slew of recent announcements, including the writers of Thor (Mark Protosevich of Poseidon), Captain America (David Self of Thirteen Days), Nick Fury (Andrew Marlowe of Air Force One), and Hulk-2 (Zak Penn of, sigh, X3 and FF) — as well as official word on Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man — Marvel’s Avi Arad says Jon Favreau will helm Iron Man.

Mutant Massacre.

In related news, a clip from X3: The Last Stand makes it online, and it looks and sounds as bad as feared. If you would have told me beforehand that a clip featuring the Danger Room, Sentinels, and a Fastball Special would be this inert and cringe-worthy, I wouldn’t have believed you. Good going, Ratner.

By their command.

In keeping with their Stargate marketing strategy, I presume, Sci-Fi announces a new prequel-series to Battlestar: Galactica, Caprica, set 50 years before BSG. “Following the lives of two families, the Graystones and the Adamas (the family of William Adama, who will one day become the commander of the ‘Battlestar Galactica’) ‘Caprica’ weaves corporate intrigue, techno-action and sexual politics into television’s first science fiction family saga.” Um, ok. I think I’d rather just see BSG stay good through Season 3.

Last Man Standing.

The long-stalled film version of Richard Matheson’s I am Legend (or third version, if you want to count Last Man on Earth and Charlton Heston’s The Omega Man) moves forward with Will Smith in the lead and Constantine‘s Francis Lawrence at the helm. Hmmm. Will Smith can be a good actor at times, but the fact that hackmeister Akiva Goldsman penned the script suggests to me that this’ll be a forgettable adaptation.