Program the Tardis and the TiVos: The Doctor Who revival will finally come to American shores this March, when the Sci-Fi Channel begins airing Season One. (Via Triptych Cryptic.) I guess this means I’ll have to give up the Sci-Fi boycott, but, then again, I guess I gave it up in principle when I bought the first season of the new Battlestar Galactica last weekend.
Category: Fanboy
9/11 in 4 Colors.
By way of LMG, an online exhibit on the response in comics to 9/11, featured on an intriguing site in its own right: The Authentic History Center: Primary Sources from American Popular Culture.
The Libertine (of Gotham).
And another spate of Batman casting rumors. This time ’round it’s Johnny Depp as the Joker and Rachel Weisz as Talia (Liam Neeson/Ras Al Ghul’s daughter.) With the Penguin (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and Harvey Dent/Two-Face (Liev Schrieber) also purportedly in the mix, it sounds like something’s got to give.
Howlin’ Mad Murdock.
“There’s no going back. From that moment on, the series’ hero is in a morally untenable situation, and everything he does makes things worse. The only thing Murdock can do is to start lying, and make all of his allies lie for him, too…The second half of the Bendis-Maleev run fills in the gaps of the missing year bit by bit, and suggests what happens when a hero chooses to rule in hell (or its kitchen) rather than serve in heaven.” Salon‘s Douglas Wolk sings the praises of Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev’s work on Daredevil.
Galaxy Quest.
Stabilize your rear deflectors, watch for enemy fighters…Also in today’s movie bin is the trailer for 5-22-77, a low-budget paean to seventies fanboys in which John Francis Daley (a.k.a. Sam Weir of Freaks & Geeks, all grown up) must overcome all manner of obstacles in order to catch a showing of the original Star Wars. Can Haverchuck come? (Official Site.)
You remind me of the power.
Who do? You do. The eerie new teaser for Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth, a sequel of sorts to Cronos and The Devil’s Backbone, is now online. (Click through the ad.)
March of the Hoffman.
From Truman Capote to Oswald Cobblepot? Word is Philip Seymour Hoffman is in talks to play the Penguin in the next Bale Batman, while Sam Rockwell is angling for the Clown Prince of Crime.
The Flaming Lips.
Want to see Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider? Are you sure? From over here, he’s looking pretty straight-to-video. (Then again, Ghost Rider is a pretty straight-to-video character.)
Brothers Gonna Work it Out?
The long-awaited film version of Watchmen, which died over at Paramount this summer, gets a new lease on life at Warner Brothers, although director Paul Greengrass and screenwriter David Hayter are no longer attached.
On Wrongs Swift Vengeance Waits.
The new trailer for V for Vendetta is now online. This premiered at BNAT 7 last week and got universally great reviews from the AICN fanboys, most of whom know their Moore…but, frankly, I’m not really feeling the “Matrix with knives” angle of this trailer, and John Hurt seems like he’s overdoing it.