Selective Service.

With trade winds blowing around the NBA, ESPN offers its final mock draft before the real deal tomorrow night. Looks like the Knicks may indeed pull off a legit big man in Maryland’s Chris Wilcox or (possibly) Brazilian phenom Nene, although I’d think “baby Iverson” Dajuan Wagner is still on their list too. Either way, I’m expecting NY to unload at least half their litany of undersized PF’s (Thomas, ‘Spoon, Harrington) and backup PG’s (Jackson, Ward, Eisley) sometime this summer.

Maybe in 2006.

As everyone knows, England and the US went down together in World Cup action Friday. A very disappointing evening, although at least we Yanks can hold our heads high (unlike the ’98 fiasco.) I’d say it’s Brazil’s to lose at this point, although South Korea is clearly exhibiting great mojo this Cup. In other sporting news, the NBA draft is on Wednesday, which along with the final four Cup games should proved oases of sporting excitement amid another long baseball summer. Ah well, at least there’s always the MLS.

Woohoo!…mmm, ugh.

Senegal upsets France in the opening morning of the World Cup and New Jersey defeated Boston in the NBA…Nevertheless, for all the early underdog wins, the Lakers victory kinda took the edge off the evening (and the Avalanche…what happened to them?) Ah, well – Sacramento still has the floor in Game 7. All I know is getting up at 7am for the Cup opener was rough. And tomorrow’s game is at 5…