A new look for older eyes, with potentially more to come.
Haunting the Web Since 1999
A new look for older eyes, with potentially more to come.
(You hopefully read that in Mortimer Duke’s voice.) Just popping in here at the old lab to say a very happy new year to one and all. No matter what horrors are visited upon us by 2019, at least we have the House back.
Late 2019 will also mark the 20th anniversary of old GitM, tho’ obviously the site’s mostly been defunct for much of the ought-teens. Never say never, of course, but at least for now it will probably stay that way. Even in the height of the blogging era, when I posted here constantly, this remained a niche, low-traffic corner of the web. It’s hard to imagine it would ever be anything more at this late date, and that I would find the time and energy again to invest so much purpose in maintaining this website given the limited readership returns. Still, I may write up my best films of 2017/18 at some point — if I ever feel like I saw enough of them.
In any event, I hope all is well with you and yours, inasmuch as possible in the Trump era. And if you miss the rambling around here, I’m still at it over on Twitter these days more often than not. Thanks, as always, for stopping by.