Trapped in a quagmire of their own making, the Bushies beg the UN to help out in Iraq. Well, although he may not admit it now, I guess Sec. Powell deserves some cred for seeing the writing on the wall and trying to end a failed policy. But, let’s be serious — do we really expect the international community to snap to and take over the body count after the White House tried so hard to demean them and to undermine the UN as an institution along the road to war? Sheah. Although the GOP probably never expected it’d come to this, I’m afraid we will now reap the bitter rewards of Dubya’s amateurish diplomacy.
Category: The Middle East
Werewolves of Baghdad.
Slate correspondent Daniel Benjamin pokes holes in Condi and Rummy’s recent spurious comparisons between postwar Iraq and Germany. Yep, it’s more revisionist history emanating from Team Dubya. In related news, Jack Beatty laments Dubya’s lack of postwar vision, which now seems ever more constrained to lining the coffers of Halliburton.
Space in the Balance.
As Mars draws closer than it’s been in over 59,000 years, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board published its final report, and it doesn’t hold back on NASA’s institutional failings. As I’ve said numerous times before, I very much hope we as a nation reaffirm our commitment to space, although I expect very little leadership in this regard from the Bushies — particularly with all our money currently pouring into Iraq. “‘Kennedy was able to relate space exploration to a greater national cause,’ a Bush adviser said earlier this week. ‘I’m not sure that exists today.’” Well, a greater national cause won’t exist unless it’s articulated and promoted by our elected officials. (Besides, since when has the non-existence of something ever stopped Dubya before?) At any rate, despite the vacuum of leadership in the White House, hopefully NASA will take this moment at the crossroads to get its act together and work to redevelop its vision. (Mars link via Blivet.)
Remember the officers punished for complaining about Rummy’s Iraq exit strategy (or lack thereof)? It seems the powers-that-be have looked the other way while marines created Dem-threatening cards. Tsk, tsk…
Repeating Lies.
True to form, the Bushies tried to make everyone accept the false Iraq-Niger claim by dint of sheer repetition. Strange how Tenet is supposed to take the fall for this even after explicitly removing the claim from one of Dubya’s speeches.
The Buck Finally Stops.
In a tortured press conference in which he also came out firmly against gay marriage, Dubya finally admits he’s to blame for the Iraq-Niger claim in the State of the Union (while letting Condoleeza Rice cry “mea culpa” on Newshour.) Why on Earth did it take him so long to state the obvious? As President, he is in fact responsible for his own utterances.
Planning Ahead.
While I’m loath to link to these guys given the trouble Klayman caused back in the day, Judicial Watch gets a hold of Cheney Energy Task Force briefings from March 2001 and finds…maps of Iraq? (Via Pigs and Fishes.)
Grief and Anger.
“President Bush made a comment a week ago, and he said ‘bring it on.’ Well, they brought it on, and now my nephew is dead.” (Via Looka.)
A Chill in Damascus.
“Up through January of 2003, the cooperation was topnotch,” a former State Department official said. “Then we were going to do Iraq, and some people in the Administration got heavy- handed. They wanted Syria to get involved in operational stuff having nothing to do with Al Qaeda and everything to do with Iraq.” As Dubya accuses Syria of harboring terrorists, Sy Hersh examines the rise and fall of US-Syrian cooperation after 9/11.
Lies and Gaffes.
Two interesting editorials in today’s Globe: Derrick Jackson wonders aloud about the GOP’s double standard on Presidential lies, while H.D.S. Greenway laments the diplomatic damage wrought by Dubya’s ill-advised “axis of evil” rhetoric. Dishonest and incompetent…the total package.