Earth-Pig Dead.

“One of the most ambitious literary projects of the last 25 years came to an end this March and you probably don’t even know its name: Cerebus. It’s a comic-book series about a talking aardvark, whose creator seems to have slowly gone insane somewhere over the course of its 6,000 pages. But it is also something of a masterpiece.” By way of LinkMachineGo (and something I missed when it was published last month), the Village Voice says goodbye to Cerebus. I read the last issue a few weeks ago and thought the series ended, as expected given Sim‘s preoccupations lately, with a colossal thud. Still, when Cerebus was good, it was really, really good. Congrats on 300.

2 thoughts on “Earth-Pig Dead.”

  1. Hey, thanks for pointing that out…that was quite good. I especially liked the summation: “He lost the fight that mattered, with himself; in a very real sense, Sim didn�t make it to 300. �But he made one hell of an indelible mark on comics along the way.” That’s sums up pretty well the way I’ve felt about the last 100 issues too. Great article.

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