“Perhaps surprisingly for some people, our story picks up quite a bit later, eight years after The Dark Knight. So he’s an older Bruce Wayne; he’s not in a great state.” As Tom Hardy’s Bane graces the cover of Empire, Chris Nolan reveals an eight-year-time jump in The Dark Knight Rises. Guess it takes time to rebuild Wayne Manor and make a new batcave (and, for that matter, train a ward?) That also means, if Begins was Year One and TDK was The Killing Joke, this could well borrow from The Dark Knight Returns.
In very related news, a possible description of the first six minutes has leaked. Very spoilerish if true, and it might be: Given that this prologue is hitting theaters in a month (before MI: Ghost Protocol), it seems around the time that this might leak. And it accords with the teaser, explains that time jump, and includes Bane’s most famous moment…Gonna have to update those medical records. (Last link via LMG.)