Update: Apple/Quicktime is failing at the moment, but French MSN has come to the rescue. So, wait, it’s World of Warcraft Draenei replacing Dune‘s Fremen on the forest moon of Endor in 3D? Agh, screw it — you had me at James Cameron.
Haunting the Web Since 1999
Update: Apple/Quicktime is failing at the moment, but French MSN has come to the rescue. So, wait, it’s World of Warcraft Draenei replacing Dune‘s Fremen on the forest moon of Endor in 3D? Agh, screw it — you had me at James Cameron.
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Hm. They have the tech to create an avatar, putting his conscience in another body. And yet he is still moving around in a wheelchair as his human self?
Seems stupid to me, tbh, and annoyed me so much that the rest of it (which was, admittedly, cool looking) was diminished in some way.
Eh, will still go see it. Looks interesting enough.
Yeah, that problem came up in the litany of hate that the AICN talkback inevitably turned into.
Gotta say, tho’, nothing else today made me laugh as much as that (too cruel by half) talkback. “Man-Cats: The Movie!, “Dances With Man-Cats,” the guy who just posted the Meow Mix song (meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow)…the wags were on their game.