Another revolution has come and gone, and, as of today, Ghost in the Machine is 11 years old.
Obviously, the movie reviews notwithstanding, it’s quieter around here these days, both due to time constraints and job-related circumspection. But, even in a state of fitful slumber, the ghost carries on. If this is your first time here or you’ve been hanging around for over a decade now, thanks, as always, for stopping by.
Another year flies by. Happy Blogiversary!
Congratulations, Kevin! You’ve done great work with this blog.
Congratulations, Kevin! I know how the state of fitful blogslumber goes, but it’s good to see some of the old school still around. 🙂
Happy anniversary, GitM. Keep up the great work, Kevin.
Happy Blogiversary!
How time flies! Happy blogiversary! 🙂
Mazel tov from a loyal reader!
…and many happy returns of the day, Kevin!
keep thos movie reviews coming
Somehow spaced this on the actual day, but — happy blogiversary, and many happy returns!
How time flies! Happy blogiversary! Congratulations Kevin! You’ve done great work with this blog.