Ankles Away.

Bleah. So I spent the first day of summer here (well, the first day after completing spring grades) turning over my left ankle during our twice-weekly basketball game, and then enjoying the hospitality of the St. Luke’s Hospital waiting room all morning. The upshot: At least a week on crutches, 2-3 weeks of limping around thereafter, and another first-step faded away. Thirty-something, thy name is Ankle Sprain.

4 thoughts on “Ankles Away.”

  1. Ow!

    Sorry to hear that, I know first hand how bad it can be. Walking on crutches is a big pain… Still, good time to catch up on the reading, eh?!

    Hope you feel better soon!


  2. no! the last thing i wanted to hear before coming out for the summer…

    hope you’re feeling alright man.

  3. Hey Kev! Deja vu…. or was that the other foot? 🙂 Hope you get better soon.

  4. No, that was the other (right) ankle…I had a brace on that one at the time of the fall. In fact, it may have been because I was overcompensating on the other foot that I popped my left ankle.

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