Charles Francis Murphy, 1923-2007. Yesterday (which was also my
mom and
dad‘s 40th wedding anniversary, and the eighth anniversary of my own, briefer nuptials), my grandfather passed away at the age of 84. A former miner and longtime veteran of the
US Geological Survey, for whom he worked as a cartographer for the bulk of his career, Grandpa spent his life making maps and friends all over this great big nation, before settling down in Lovettsville, VA, and later, New Bern, NC. Father of six children and grandfather to eighteen, he and my grandmother enjoyed their 63rd wedding anniversary this past February. He will be missed.
Sad to hear about your loss. But, wow, a cartographer, a man after my own heart. -s
I’m sorry to hear of your grandfather’s passing.
My deepest sympathies on the loss of your Grandpa. Thank you for sharing a little bit of his story with us — he must have been quite a guy.
Sorry for your loss — sounds like he had a great life.
My condolences, Kevin.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather.
hey kevin its your younger cousin chaz i just heard about it at two in the morning unfortunately im in kuwait right now about to goto iraq. there working hard to get me back but i dont know if its going to happen.
My condolences, Kevin — my own grandfather actually died recently as well, I was at the funeral this past weekend. He was almost exactly as old as yours, and also had six children and a very similar number of grandkids. He was also a totally great guy. I’ll bet they would’ve gotten along very well. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Sorry to hear about this, Kevin
I’m sorry, Kevin. Thanks for telling us about him — sounds like a wonderful person.
I received this news on Thursday. I only met Johnny a few times. I know, however, that my late grandmother, his sister, adored him. She named her eldest son, my father, after him.
I know he was a magnificent human being. I’m really sorry.
Thanks all for the kind words (and good to meet up again in person, Chaz.) Alan, I sent along your thoughts to my grandmother, who much appreciated them.