Hey all. I know it’s been quiet ’round these parts — sorry about that. It’s been a tough year so far. Berk has had to deal with a nasty dog bite back in February and, now, what looks to be cancer. (He’s getting his toe amputated tomorrow — Hopefully, that’ll contain the bug.) Also in February, I had an 18-month romance implode rather disastrously. I thought we’d be going the distance…but, before disappearing, the ex made sure to convey she never actually took the relationship seriously in the first place. Er…good to know. (Yes, I know this sort of thing has happened to me before. What can I say? Either I’m too sensitive, or else I’m getting soft.)
Anyway, the upshot is there’s not much joy in Mudville these days, and I’m just not feeling very inclined to post here. I can’t really talk about politics because (1) it interferes with my current employ and (2) when you get right down to it, I find it hard to take presidential politics seriously as a vehicle for (hope-and-)change these days (although I’m sure it’s a great way to get your name on a NASCAR car.) I can’t really talk about personal matters because that’s just plain unsightly, and the Internet really doesn’t need any more TMI kvetching about first world problems. Nor, quite frankly, does it need to know what I thought of 21 Jump Street and Mass Effect 3 and the new Prometheus viral campaign and the like.
I’m not saying the Ghost is dead and buried, but I don’t see it coming back online regularly anytime soon: With the exception of the occasional comment-spam clear, the old hound and I are on walkabout for the foreseeable future. In the meantime, the archives are here and here, and all the old movie reviews are here. If you’ve been swinging by the site at any time for the past 12+ years, apologies for the service outage and thanks, as always, for stopping by.
Update: Thanks for all the well-wishes in the comments. As a follow-up, Berk has lost the toe, but the offending infection has, per the lab report, been “completely excised.” Meanwhile, after several weeks in the cone, the old hound is back to moving around normally and otherwise seems in good health. Squirrels and skateboarders, beware.
Well, i’m sorry that things are sucking for you right now, but that’s life. but here are two good quotes from Eleven:
“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and… bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. And we definitely added to [the] pile of good things.”
“What’s the point in their being happy, when they’re going to be sad later? And the answer is, of course, because they’re going to be sad later.”
You’ve definitely added to the pile of good things on the internet and you are one of the best movie critics i know. I look forward to your review of the Hunger Games, GoT, MM, and find out about what you thought about ME3 (I’m currently on my 2nd playthrough of ME before i go to ME2 and ME3.)
take care and don’t walk too far.
This blog is one of the reasons I started blogging myself. I’ve been a regular for a long, long time. I can’t lie: I hope you come back soon.
More, I hope things get better for you even sooner.
Go walk. Who knows. Maybe you’ll find a little inspiration.
Hate to see good folks take hard knocks. The internet (in general) and I (in particular) do, in fact, need your movie reviews and takes, but we will wait patiently ’til you are ready and willing to write them. It’ll be a happy day when a new post pops Ghost to the top of my blogroll again.
The internet without an active Ghost is like Hawkeye without Trapper, or Steed watching Mrs. Peel ride off with Mr. Peel …
I’ll miss the blog, KcM. (I was already missing it; I’ve learned a lot about politics and good pop culture from you.) Good luck to you and Berk — here’s to the removal of all rough patches and the onset of smooth sailing.
Count me as one of your old school readers who will miss your posts. Sorry things are so sucky. I hope Berk ends up okay!
(gd captcha) I am sorry to hear of all this. Sigh. I wish the best for the both of you. Be well, be happy, hopefully be sane.
Be careful on the lower levels of Babylon 5…
Hope all goes well with the dog in surgery
Best of Luck
Good luck to you and Berk. I am impressed you have gone this long with a personal blog, but I do hope you return because I like your voice and especially your movie reviews, especially since I see so few films. Reading your reviews really helps me weed through the crap out there.
Get well soon, Berk.
If you need some fresh air, come visit the farm.
Awww shucks. Sorry to hear posts will continue to be few and far between. Believe it or not, we like hearing from you!
Take care. xo
F dog cancer and F trifling heartbreakers. You the man.
Hope the surgery went well. Perhaps a sailabout is in order?
I’m another long time reader who misses your blog posts. There aren’t many of us left from the old days. Good luck to you and Berk.
Hold fast.
Hope summer is better than winter and spring! Forget the change, but try to find some hope….
Glad to hear Berk is on the rebound. Hope you will be as well. Best…