“Gotham City is collapsing from a runaway crime wave and Harvey Dent can save it. But he has to run for District Attorney first, and the only way he’ll run is if he sees an outpouring of public support. So, let’s all get out there and show Harvey Dent he’s got support to take back Gotham!” I know I’ve been doing a lousy job of following down-ticket races thus far this cycle. Still, in case anyone’s interested and by way of Quiddity, Harvey Dent’s campaign for Gotham DA has hit the road. (Alas, it seems I’ve already missed his NYC stops.) Also, no doubt aware of Sen. Obama’s prodigious coattails, he seems to be plugging for an endorsement: “Be creative. Harvey Dent wants to see that we want change — and that we are ready to work for change. Harvey wants to see that people are ready to throw out the old, to break out of habits, to really do something new and different! Because that’s what taking back Gotham will take.“
I’ll say this for him, he has a honest face. By the way, it should be noted: Harvey Dent also somewhat disproves the Gerry Ferraro thesis, as he’s managed to get elected the District Attorney of Gotham City as both a white and black man.