“Enough with the speeches and the big rallies, and then using tactics right out of Karl Rove’s playbook. This is wrong, and every Democrat should be outraged…So shame on you, Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public. That’s what I expect from you. Meet me in Ohio. Let’s have a debate about your tactics.” What was that about feeling “absolutely honored” the other night? No doubt in an attempt to stem all the final days talk, Sen. Clinton goes ballistic on Barack Obama this afternoon, claiming he’s the one that has used Rovian tactics this primary cycle. (Watch the video for the full “Dean Scream” effect. I wonder what Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, fidgeting behind her, was thinking.) Sen. Obama responds here and here, and the Obama campaign’s official rebuttal is here.
Ok, I’m going to try to put this as delicately as I can: Sen. Clinton, shame the fuck on you. After all the low-down, reprehensible, and thoroughly scummy maneuvers we’ve seen from your campaign this primary cycle, no doubt courtesy of your $10 million bust Mark Penn, how dare you get before the public and act the aggrieved party here? I’ve compiled this list before, but let’s go over it again. In the past three months, Sen. Clinton and/or her campaign has:
And I’m sure I’ve missed a few things. So who’s “using tactics right out of Karl Rove’s playbook” again? Don’t you worry, Sen. Clinton, “every Democrat should be outraged, and they are: That’s arguably one of the main reasons you’ve lost eleven contests in a row. It seemed the Clinton campaign had seen the situation for what it was, and was content to fade away, with grace and dignity intact. Had they done so, I might’ve let bygones be bygones. But, once they start indulging in this sort of Hail Mary raging against the dying of the light, which will no doubt poison the well for an easy reconciliation once Clinton has conceded, all bets are off. Update: This well-made video helps put today’s rant in perspective, and with Pink Floyd to boot.
Update 2: She’s getting worse.
Update 3: A few hours before the final Ohio debate, Sen Clinton concedes she “got a little hot over the weekend in Cincinnati.” Presumably, this means that the campaign’s internal polling suggests it backfired massively.
I can’t believe that I have to keep posting this but she keeps making it necessary; here is Clintonattacksobama.
It is time for her to go.
My wife and I saw it on TV and we couldn’t believe it. She is the absolute Orwellian.
Can this work at all? Every time she’s gone negative, she’s lost support. The whole thing reeks of desperation. Her campaign already complained about the mailers a month ago.
At the risk of invoking Godwin’s Law, check out those practiced-looking “Sieg Heils” out of the blue that she uses to punctuate “Enough with the speeches and big rallies.” (In the linked video version at Rural Votes, it’s 52 seconds in.) She barely moves that hand otherwise.
Ugh, she is awful.
This one had me on my feet yelling at her (okay, the TV) loudly this morning. It’s amazing to me that Obama can respond so calmly, but I think it serves him well because it makes her look very unpresidential. I’m just outraged that SHE is calling him ROVIAN…to me that is Rovian in itself. I guess she was saving the nastiness I was expecting from her in the Texas debate for Ohio. I never trust her “sweet” moments as genuine; in this press conference, sadly, I see the real Hillary.
As I watched the Texas debate between Hillary and Obama I was stunned at how widely she smiled, how she nodded with many things that Obama said, and how she acted the perfect Texas woman: sweet, cloyingly so. And I knew better because she has studied what works in Texas culture: that women must be sweet to get people’s respect. You get more with honey than vinegar, etc. So I knew she was pumping her audience, because she studied them. But forget not the round of Boos she got when she gave that Rovian-play comment, “Change you can xerox” — such a cheap parting shot across the bow. Such a b#*t@ch like she’s always been. Its all tactics with her, more of the same game we see played in DC. bet she goes off to be a highly-paid lobbysist, just like the Texas Governor’s name she invoked, Ann Richards. A tobacco company lobbyist for Altria. Democrats are nopt all the same shade of blue, and this Clinton woman is not the shade I voted for. Vote early. Vote Obama! Change is what this country needs, and I like the cut of Obam’s jib. Overseas voters know what we’re just starting to figure out for oursleves: that some Democrats are as self-serving as Republicans. Please choose wisely!
Love the Pink Floyd video, thanks. Used it on my own post: Pink Floyd versus Hillary Clinton. Also appreciate the list of Rovian tactics.
Your Howard Dean scream analogy is appropriate. I had the same thought.
This could also be part of the split within her own camp between Grunewald and Penn. Do we play nice or play Karl Rove? They seem to be veering back and forth between the two. And to such an extreme between Thursday and yesterday, that she and they really look schizophrenic at this point.
Keep up the great job!
I totally agree – she’s got no leg to stand on here. I do think Obama should stop attacking her from the right on health care, though. That’s gonna come back to hurt any attempt to get a universal bill through Congress next year.
Does Hillary remind anyone else of a scolding Mom, controlling nun? “Shame on you”, I expect from you” etc. The only thing she left out was wait until your father gets home. So presidential! On the subject of plagiarsim; She lifted at least two paragraghs, one from her husband’s campaign speeches and another from Edward’s step down speech “we will be ok, but will America be ok?” Highlighted and video documented on Meet the Press this weekend. On use your own words: don’t they all use speech writers? Give us a break Hillary. Shame on you Hillary. Stop whining!