Lots of Fantastic Four news milling about today…Entertainment Tonight shows an early preview, while HNR obtains several pics of The Thing in costume…I’ll admit, Ben Grimm’s look is growing on me, even if he still seems a little Toxie.
Tag: Cinema
Super Heroes ‘n’ Sith.
Thankfully for SW fans, there’ll be no Meet Joe Black scenario this time around. As expected, word is the Episode III teaser will be released Nov. 5, in front of The Incredibles.
Thanks to boffo box office for Alien v. Predator, the marketing geniuses at Fox give the Alien franchise to notorious hack Paul W.S. Anderson. Ugh, what a waste. Well, hopefully Sigourney Weaver will have the sense to stay away from this burgeoning fiasco.
If Hero didn’t satisfy your quota for arthouse kung-fu in 2004, the teaser for Zhang Yimou’s House of Flying Daggers is now up, and it looks to be more of the same aesthetic…hopefully, with less jingoism this time around.
Undercover Latverian.
Superhero Hype! posts what’s purported to be the first official pic of Victor Von Doom in Fantastic Four, but all I’m seeing is a guy in a suit. Please don’t tell me they’re foregoing the mask…that’d be the worst costuming decision since Willem DeFoe’s static faceplate in Spiderman. Slightly more promising are these new pics from Batman Begins, which include Ken Watanabe as Ras Al Ghul and Tom Wilkinson as a mafioso.
Has Latino Review unearthed Bryan Singer’s Superman? They believe so, and his name is Brandon Routh. Well, Singer did say he’s looking for an unknown… Update: Routh is confirmed.
Behold the Sword of Elendil!
“Long have you hunted me, long have I eluded you…No more!” Finally, the official LotR site posts an extended edition preview, with new scenes involving Aragorn and the Palantir, Eowyn and Faramir, Saruman and Gandalf, and our best look yet at the Mouth of Sauron. “I do not believe this darkness will endure.” Update: Bigger version here.
A Prowsian Presence.
The Force.Net get their hands on what looks to be the Episode III one-sheet from the same source who outlined the coming teaser. The nod to A New Hope is a deft touch.
Once Merry, Now Lost.
You’ll have to sit through a clip from ABC’s Lost (which I tried to get into on account of Monaghan, JJ Abrams, and Party of Five‘s Charlie, but it didn’t grab me) and some morning-show chatter with Dominic Monaghan on his post-LotR ups and downs, but buried in this Good Day interview is our first look at Merry pledging fealty to Theoden in the RotK:EE, a scene which was glimpsed in the pre-Thirteen Days teaser way back in early 2001 and now finally sees the light of day.
Do the Robot.
In the most recent Kong production diary, Peter Jackson teaches Adrien Brody and Naomi Watts the techniques of 21st century bluescreen/animatic acting a la Sky Captain.