“[I]f DeLay goes, there will be people in Washington congratulating themselves on having been part of a system that, once again, ‘worked,’ fumigating itself of an intruder who went too far and didn’t accept the rules. Nonsense. The system isn’t working by a long shot. If the system had worked, DeLay would have been exposed long ago — first by the media, which would have done far more to reveal the ethical and procedural corruption of his regime, and second by moderate Republicans, who could have made a difference if they’d had the nerve, en bloc, to stand up and say something.” The American Prospect‘s Michael Tomasky explains the sad structural reasons why Boss DeLay has managed to stick around for so long.
Tag: Congress
English Cheddar.
Another Smoking Gun? Casino Jack‘s credit card (and that of another prominent DeLay-connected lobbyist, Edwin A. Buckham), apparently paid for Boss DeLay’s recent boondoggles to Britain, contradicting what the Hammer has earlier said about them being covered by non-profit organizations. The situation being what it is, this likely won’t knock DeLay out by any means, despite its obvious and flagrant illegality…but it will add fuel to the fire? Inquiring minds want to know…
Restraining Bolton.
As more ugly details leak out about John Bolton’s private war with dissenting intelligence analysts, Newsweek reports that England (and Jack Straw) think he’s a jackass too. Is it time for Dubya & Cheney to pull the plug? Many observers think so. Update: Arlen Specter wonders aloud about Bolton’s prospects on CNN Late Edition.
The General’s Wrath.
Dubya & Cheney may still love the guy, but right-wing freakshow John Bolton has clearly irked former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who bore the brunt of Bolton’s obfuscation in the past. Will Powell’s not-very-off-the-record contempt be enough to sway Sens. Chafee, Hagel, and Voinovich?
Casus Belli.
Knowing full-well the Dems will filibuster, the GOP initiates Catkiller’s nuclear gambit by bringing forth two of Dubya’s most controversial judicial nominees, Janice Rogers Brown and Priscilla Richman Owen, to a vote. (The fact that both are women, and Brown is black, has of course absolutely no bearing on the Republicans’ political strategy.)
Brownback Attack.
Conservative freakshow Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), now head of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on the District, threatens Washington DC to back down on its plan to recognize gay marriages (by allowing joint filing for same-sex married tax returns.) Less government? Local control? Surely, it’s obvious by now that today’s GOP is much more interested in policing the bedroom. If you’re still voting Republican these days for any other reason, how much more proof do you need?
Chafee at the Bit?
Now that Sen. Voinovich has bravely put his foot in the door, GOP Senator Lincoln Chafee also declares he’s less likely to vote for John Bolton at this point. But, judging from his remarks today, Dubya isn’t getting the message. After embracing the Hammer earlier this week, one wonders how many more radioactive liabilities the White House is willing to continue accommodating. At a certain point, even this administration’s considerable arrogance of power will have to bow to political reality.
Exhibit A against DeLay.
In the face of Boss DeLay’s “Blame the Dems” PR offensive, Slate‘s Tim Noah once again spells out the Hammer’s confessed bribery of Rep. Nick Smith step-by-step.
Creeping Tom.
Meanwhile on the House side, Boss DeLay has responded to his recent problems by continuing to act like an inveterate jackass, including calling in the NRA as armed backup and badmouthing Justice Anthony Kennedy to anyone who’ll listen on right-wing talk radio. Yet, instead of taking the Hammer to the woodshed, Dubya consigliere Karl Rove has taken Delay to his breast, calling him “a good man, a close ally of this administration.” Well, ok, then, Karl, but don’t complain when further inquiries into DeLay’s corruption redound upon the White House, then.
Nuclear Proliferation.
With Catkiller’s nuclear primary gambit waiting in the wings, the GOP and Dems try to rally Republican moderates to their side on the judicial filibuster question. With John McCain (R-AZ) and Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) already against the proposition and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) also doubtful, the swing votes include John Warner (R-VA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Gordon Smith (R-OR), and Arlen Specter (R-PA).