While WB continues to screw up Supes, the Teen Titans go animated. Robin and Cyborg were gimmes, but I’m surprised they went with Starfire, Raven, and Changeling over the better-known Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Aqualad, and Speedy. At any rate, given that the animation department appears to be the only division of WB that “gets it,” and that The New Teen Titans was my first favorite comic way back in third grade (particularly the “Judas Contract” and Trigon storylines), I’m definitely going to check it out.
Tag: DC
Kung Fu?
I know I’ve been posting a lot about the Superman fiasco at WB of late, but this review of the JJ Abrams script has to be read to be believed. This script might just be the worst idea for Supes in a long, sordid history of bad ideas. Hasn’t anyone at WB ever watched the Dini animated series?
DC Down, Marvel Up.
While Superman continues to languish over at Warner Brothers, Sony gets Michael Chabon to punch up the script for The Amazing Spiderman. Since so much of Spidey’s appeal is his internal monologue, Chabon sounds like a great choice.
Hey Jude (Get in the Gym.)
Harry at AICN says he’s got the goods on the World’s Finest casting…and it’s Jude Law as Superman and Colin Farrell at Batman. Unconventional choices, but I like ’em.
The Rocket’s Red Glare.
Happy Independence Day to all the fellow Americans out there, by the way (even those oppressed in DC…thanks, Genehack.) After spending yesterday in nearby New Haven catching up and playing music with some old friends, my 4th plans probably aren’t going to extend very far beyond Internet Scrabble and a late-night poker game. At any rate, be safe out there, kids.