A very happy sixth birthday to Berkeley, who spent the evening celebrating with my brother (lap pictured) and sister-in-law, in town this weekend for Comic-Con. Happy b-day, l’il fella.
Tag: Dogs
Dog Days.
“What’s this whole world comin’ to? Things just ain’t the same…any time the hunter gets captured by the game.” Great. Now Berk‘s gonna have nightmares…I blame Veruca Salt.
The Dogs of War.
As seen on Slate, Iraqi insurgents are apparently using dogs as unwitting suicide bombers. Perhaps it reveals a fundamental inability on my part to confront the grotesque human costs of this conflict, but this…this disgusts me.
Like Cats and Dogs.
Via Webgoddess, catpeople and dogpeople are going claw-to-paw over at AskMeFi. You can probably guess where I fall on this spectrum.
They’re coming to get you, Berkeley.
According to this article, scientists recently brought several dogs back from the dead. And, yet, they were somehow changed…
That Joke’s Not Funny Anymore.
“Although no one has investigated the possibility of rat humor, if it exists, it is likely to be heavily laced with slapstick.” A recent study in Science Magazine explores evolutionary reasons for and examples of animal laughter, including chirping rats and panting dogs. Laugh it up, fuzzball.
Dog Force Five.
The Berk Knight.
Gratuitious dog-blogging: Somewhere amid the blur of final papers, blue books, christmas schmoozing, prospectus revising, and freelance projects that have filled up the past week or so, my visiting brother finally managed to get Berkeley to sit still in the Batman costume I bought him a few years ago long enough for me to take a picture. Please, nobody call the ASPCA.
Boy, Dog, and Boy’s Dog.
Yesterday’s anniversary made it occur to me that it’s been ages since we’ve had any gratuitous Berkeley pics around here. So, without further ado, here’s me trying to get Berk to pose next to the Boy and Dog Tom Otterness sculpture gracing my street corner (along with Fallen Dreamer) until this weekend. As you can see, there were more interesting goings-on elsewhere…