Among a slew of recent announcements, including the writers of Thor (Mark Protosevich of Poseidon), Captain America (David Self of Thirteen Days), Nick Fury (Andrew Marlowe of Air Force One), and Hulk-2 (Zak Penn of, sigh, X3 and FF) — as well as official word on Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man — Marvel’s Avi Arad says Jon Favreau will helm Iron Man.
Tag: Fanboy
Mutant Massacre.
In related news, a clip from X3: The Last Stand makes it online, and it looks and sounds as bad as feared. If you would have told me beforehand that a clip featuring the Danger Room, Sentinels, and a Fastball Special would be this inert and cringe-worthy, I wouldn’t have believed you. Good going, Ratner.
By their command.
In keeping with their Stargate marketing strategy, I presume, Sci-Fi announces a new prequel-series to Battlestar: Galactica, Caprica, set 50 years before BSG. “Following the lives of two families, the Graystones and the Adamas (the family of William Adama, who will one day become the commander of the ‘Battlestar Galactica’) ‘Caprica’ weaves corporate intrigue, techno-action and sexual politics into television’s first science fiction family saga.” Um, ok. I think I’d rather just see BSG stay good through Season 3.
Aslan times 3.
Walden Media announces its film plans for the rest of the Narnia books: Apparently, they’re taking a page from PJ’s LotR and shooting Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair back to back, with the next installment (Caspian) due out Xmas 2008.
One Step Beyonder.
“This is about camaraderie. It’s about teamwork, but most of all it’s about history. It’s really about knowing your roots. I mean, kids today, they’re reading about Wolverine’s clone sister. What the hell is that about?” The Secret Wars Re-Enactment Society (By way of Do You Feel Loved?) For old-school comic fans, this is worth seeing for the Kang and Ultron costumes alone. (And, as Chris noted, the payoff is pretty funny too.)
Batson Begins.
The Longest Yard and 50 First Dates director Peter Segal picks up the reins for Shazam!, the forthcoming Captain Marvel movie. You know the comic-film revival is starting to overextend itself when the old Fawcett characters start getting their own flicks. Who’s next, Spy-Smasher?
It’s Good Enough for V.
“People should not be ‘fraid of cookie. Cookies should be ‘fraid of people.” Guy Fawkes, meet Crazy Harry. By way of my sister, experience Jim Henson’s uncompromising vision of the future, C for Cookie.
Can I get a (super)-witness?
The Religious Affiliation of Comic Book Characters, with a handy graphic of who’s a member of what “legion.” The site also includes impressively detailed individual entries on each character — not only the big guns like Methodist Superman, Episcopal Batman, Catholic Daredevil, and Buddhist Wolverine, but also everyone from Presbyterian Wolfsbane to the Mormon Power Pack. (Via Triptych Cryptic.)
Zack Resets the Clock.
Directors Darren Aronofsky and Paul Greengrass failed their Rorschach tests — Still, Alan Moore’s Watchmen may soon have a new helmer in Zack Snyder, who’s currently finishing up Frank Miller’s 300.
Kiss Me, I’m IrVsh.
“May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a road downhill all the way to home.“
A very happy St. PaVtrick’s Day to you and yours. I expect my own holiday will involve some permutation of NCAA basketball, slightly too much Guinness, and a vicinal viewing of Vendetta (which is getting mixed reviews thus far — Still, as far as Alan Moore adaptations go, it has to be better than LXG, and I’d only be moderately disappointed if it’s comparable to the Hughes Brothers’ take on From Hell.) At any rate, have a good one…and be sure to don some green!