In keeping with LEGO’s recent renaissance as an font of funny memes (this link via pretty much everywhere), check out these LEGO’d video game screens (by way of Lotta.)
Tag: Fanboy
Back in Black.
Superhero Hype! procures an impressive new pic from Spiderman III, and it’s official: Peter Parker is donning the black garb…which means the long-swirling rumors that Topher Grace is playing Venom seem to be on the money. Hmmm. Even with the Sandman involved, I’d have preferred to see more of Spidey’s classic rogues’ gallery before Raimi & co. got to the peeved symbiote in question. Update: As a keen-eyed AICN fanboy noted, is Parker asleep in this pic? That’d dovetail nicely with the comics, when, pre-Venom, the costume started getting a mind of its own.
Sorry, Battle Angel Alita and Aquaman: James Cameron announces the secretive Project 880 will be his next film. “‘We’ve moved “Project 880” into first position,’ Cameron said. ‘It’s as classified as the Manhattan Project.’ Many believe it is actually a version of Avatar, the director’s oft-rumored love story set against interplanetary war.” Both it and Alita (to follow) will be filmed in high-definition 3-D.
Touch of Eva.
Kingdom of Heaven‘s Eva Green joins Casino Royale as Bond girl Vesper Lynd (It seems Rose Byrne wilted), along with Syriana‘s Jeffrey Wright as the new Felix Leiter and King Arthur‘s Mads Mikkelsen as the Big Bad, Le Chiffre.
Rebel Pretensions.
After the GOP co-opt the Star Wars universe for their own nefarious purposes, George Lucas makes an appearance with House Democrats (including his own congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi.) The Republican video (shown at CPAC) “depicted GOPers as the virtuous rebels, being pursued by ‘Darth Nancy’ and her imperial henchmen, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Democratic campaign chief Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.).” Um, yeah, you guys own every branch of government, your boy in office is ignoring the law and desperately trying to wrest power from the Senate, and you’re the Alliance. C’mon now, at least the Yankees own up to it.
When Mal met Starbuck.
Firefly‘s Nathan Fillion and Battlestar Galactica‘s Katee Sackhoff will appear together in White Noise 2: The Light. Smart play by Rogue Pictures — maybe the Browncoats and Galacticaheads (Capricans?) will fill the seats for what’s essentially a straight-to-video property. (Did anyone even see White Noise? I know Michael Keaton was in it, that’s about it.)
No More Toshi Station / Maeby We’ll Meet Again.
R.I.P. Phil Brown 1916-2006, who withstood the blacklist and is best remembered as Uncle Owen. (He joins Aunt Beru, who passed in 2000 (9/14).) And, also in unhappy news, farewell to the Bluths, who’ve gone the way of all good and tragically misunderstood television families…for now.
Stand don’t Deliver.
Six new one-sheets from X3: The Last Stand make the rounds (as do a few new stills) and, hoo boy — Let’s just say that they’re not going to thwart the negative energy surrounding the project ever since Ratner came on board. Will this be the X-Men’s Batman and Robin?
Steelers’ Reels / Capt. Cromwell.
Another Superbowl has come and gone (Congrats to the Steelers, some of the calls notwithstanding), and — while I personallly preferred the FedEx cavemen and Hummer monsters — some new movie ads were scattered throughout the game, including new looks at V for Vendetta, MI:III, Poseidon, and Pirates of the Caribbean. (And, also in movie news, the increasingly over-stuffed Spiderman 3 picks up another marquee name with James Cromwell as Capt. Stacy, Gwen’s father.)
Skekses and Spiders.
Clone Wars and Samurai Jack creator Genndy Tartakovsky will helm The Power of the Dark Crystal. And, in other fanboy news, Bryce Dallas Howard shows off the Gwen Stacey tresses while promoting Manderlay, and Dark Horizons obtains a pretty large spoiler about James Franco’s role in Spiderman 3.