Lady in Red (Army).

Well the Ukraine girls really knock him out, they leave the West behind… Cate Blanchett makes her first official appearance as the (presumably villainous) “Agent Spalko” in this new Vanity Fair article on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The Jim Windolf piece also offers some sizable spoilers on the MacGuffin and tone of the fourth Indy outing [highlight to read]: “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will apparently nudge our hero away from his usual milieu of spooky archaeology and into the realm of (spoiler Code Red) science fiction. ‘What it is that made it perfect was the fact that the MacGuffin I wanted to use and the idea that Harrison would be 20 years older would fit,’ Lucas says…’So instead of doing a 30s Republic serial, we’re doing a B science-fiction movie from the 50s. The ones I’m talking about are, like, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, The Thing. So by putting it in that context, it gave me a way of approaching the whole thing.’” Hey, that could work.

Hail to the Kingdom.

If nostalgia has a name, it must be Drew Struzan. It looks like the famous poster-painter survived The Mist after all, as he’s turned in this throwback teaser poster for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, making the rounds of the coming attractions sites today. Not bad at all. I assume there’ll be a later version, of the floating-head variety, with Shia LaBoeuf, Ray Winstone, Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, and Karen Allen…

Trip Like He Does.

Quite a few new movie images popping up on the grid today…Then again, it’s that time of year, when the mags roll out the 2008 previews. Here, it appears to be Take Your Son (Shia LaBoeuf) to Work Day for Henry Jones, Jr., PhD (Harrison Ford). Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull is slated to arrive May 22, 2008, and it, like The Dark Knight, should have a trailer kicking around relatively soon. (A few more pics of Indy looking suitably grizzled are over here at AICN.)

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Loose-Lipped Edmontonian.

In a move sure to enrage the Lucas/Spielberg empire, a chatty extra spills the goods on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, including who the Big Bads are and how Marian Ravenwood (Karen Allen) will fit into the story. Oops.

Give him the whip.

Professor of archeology, expert on the occult, and how does one say it? Obtainer of rare antiquities…Via AICN (and in case you missed the pic a few weeks ago), Harrison Ford suits up as Indy once more, this time on video (and George Lucas seems to fess up — finally — that Han shot first.)

Harry, Indiana.

It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage…lots of depressing news about the sorry state of our government today, so here’s a mental sorbet of sorts: Steven Spielberg and the Indy 4 powers-that-be have released an official still of Harrison Ford back in costume as America’s favorite crusading academic, Henry Jones Jr. (a guy who, it may be remembered, also tried and failed to get this government to cough up its secrets. From the Ark of the Covenant to Abu Ghraib and Cheney…sigh.)

Kiss Me Cate.

Also breaking during my west coast sojourn, the lovely Cate Blanchett will apparently star in Indy IV, I’m presuming as Dr. Jones’ love interest. Well, Blanchett definitely adds star wattage and acting chops to the ledger. But, really, doesn’t Jones have unfinished business with Marian Ravenwood? Act your age, Indy.