Happy Halloween, everyone. While my Shaun of the Dead costume got favorable reviews last October, I’ve been entertaining vague notions of dressing up as Heath Ledger’s Joker this year. (And, as for Berk, my sister Tessa suggested something along the lines of this, which he’d probably prefer to Yoda again.) But, as it turns out, neither Berk nor I have any costume-oriented festivities on the social calendar, so we’ll just be sitting home in plainclothes doling out sweets. Still, if you’re up for it, the viral marketers at Warner Brothers have initiated a second round of Jokerish shenanigans (a la Comic-Con) over at whysoserious.com, which involves a photo scavenger hunt across several major cities. If you play along, watch out for Bats. Update: As per the norm, that didn’t take long. The hidden message, give or take a few letters, reads: “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.” So, what happens next? Update 2: Guess I should’ve made that costume after all. After revealing this new pic, the new site (http://www.rorysdeathkiss.com) asks for people to dress as the clown in question and take a pic in front of a famous landmark. Have fun with it, y’all.
Tag: Heath Ledger
The ghost of ‘lectricity howls in the bones of her face.
In case you missed it or were otherwise dissuaded by the lousy format last time, the teaser for Todd Haynes’ off-kilter Bob Dylan biopic I’m Not There is now officially online, along with a new red-band trailer for Robert Zemeckis’ stab at Beowulf. Definitely catching the former, probably seeing the latter.
As you can see, Heath Ledger’s been busy. First off, new pics surface of Ledger and others as Bob Dylan in I’m Not There, including more images of Cate Blanchett eerily channeling the Blonde on Blonde-era Bob. (See below and here for more.) And, apparently much to the consternation of the Time Warner powers-that-be, eighteen early and spoilerish stills from Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight have leaked onto the Internets, including a few of Ledger’s Joker seeming to enjoy a police interrogation more than he probably should. Check ’em out before they disappear.
Bob, Woody, Dewey.
Speaking of I’m Not There, the Todd Hayne’s new Dylan biopic has a teaser out, where you can catch brief glimpses of all the varied permutations of Bob. (Blanchett, Bale, Ledger, Gere, Whishaw, et al.) And, also in the trailer bin, Woody Allen ventures back into Match Point territory with Ewan MacGregor, Colin Farrell, Tom Wilkinson, and newcomer Hayley Atwell in the new (French-subtitled) preview for Cassandra’s Dream. And John C. Reilly brings to life one of Dylan’s formative influences in the parody-heavy trailer for Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, brought to you by the Freaks & Geeks team of Jake Kasdan and Judd Apatow and also starring Jenna Fischer, Kristen Wiig, and Tim Meadows (as well as Jack White as Elvis and Paul Rudd, Jack Black, Mac Guy, and Jason Schwartzman as John, Paul, George, and Ringo.)
You Must Be Joking.
“Bring your sense of humor, but don’t worry — we’ll supply the smile.” From the demented criminal mastermind who brought you IBelieveinHarveyDent.com…a Comic-con teaser for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight looks increasingly likely after another viral marketing site “by” the Joker — whysoserious.com — appears online. (The clock is ticking down to tomorrow’s Comic-Con presentation time, and the coordinates are in San Diego.) Update: A Kramervision version of the teaser has been Youtubed (also here), and it’s…a teaser, although you do at least get to hear Ledger’s suitably bizarre voice. (And, no, I’m not Rick-Rolling you.)
Update 2: Ok, the madness has begun. If you’re playing along at home, the number that appeared in the sky over San Diego was 800-395-9646. Call it, and you get a rather creepy message — apparently the Joker holding somebody at gunpoint — with the first password, “INSIDE JOKE.” Stage 2 — “Catherine, Annie, Elizabeth, and Mary Jane had someone I admire in common. Who was it?” Henry VIII was my first guess, but apparently the correct answer is “JACK THE RIPPER.” Stage 3 involves more legwork in San Diego…Update 3: Or does it? The Joker has left us a Morse-encoded laugh to ponder in the meantime. K, let’s see here…It’s “MOUNTEBANK.” (Some aspiring Bruce Wayne locked that one down well before I did…I was on “MOU.”) Stage 4 is an anagram of sorts — CPRAISMSEIOOFN — My summer a few years back spent trying to get actually decent on Scrabble, and the occasional cheating that ensued, would’ve helped me here, but somebody else figured it out first: “CRIME OF PASSION.” (Hint: As with the morse code, note the two large words.) Stage 5…well, the site’s locked up…
Update 4: While the Warner Brother server was flailing, balloons were passed out in San Diego with the next clue, “head games.” From there, it’s on to the Joker’s case file and another clue, apparently found in bathrooms at the next San Diego point, “74 BARS.” The Clown Prince of Crime then goes the US History route: “Who was the lawyer who got his client acquitted of murder by fatally shooting himself by accident in a courtroom in 1871?” (I’ll give you my own hint: Copperhead.) Answer: VALLANDIGHAM. The next checkpoint involved finding a particular brick in San Diego to ascertain the real name of “Dr. Death,” “GASLAMP DAN HASLAM.” Now, time for a game of cards… Note the actual still of Ledger and Gyllenhaal from the film (click on the word “knife,” or see below) — It looks like the Joker wears make-up in the Nolanverse, and didn’t fall into a vat of anything bothersome this time.) Also, note there are 26 cards at bottom, which should help you to discover the next keyword, “UNFORGIVABLE.”
(Phew, Holy detective work, Batman! This is hard!) Ok, next the San Diegans were to find a child on the street learning to defend himself (note also another police report) The accompanying surveillance site — and this picture — help in discovering the next (punny) clue, “BASEBALL BAT.” After that, we’re in anagram territory again…consider the missing letters and you might just end up with “LARCENY.” Alright, two more clues to go…the next one involves a “Gotham Girl Guide” and her cookies, so we’ll need the troops on the ground again for this one… Update 5: Ok, word has come back that the cookies password is “STARVE.” Then we’re sent to a half-lit LED on a bomb to ascertain the next clue, “REAPER.” (I was stumped by this one for awhile – all I’ll say is that green and red mean something, and the HA’s are there for a reason.) Finally, the San Diego fanfolk had to find a certain license plate reading “291759,” (on a limo near their start point) and, voila, the Joker covers his trail, and offers up a high-quality version of the teaser Youtubed above, before this all started. (Click on the dot.) Ok, a bit of a letdown at the end there, sure (As, one fanboy wit at AICN put it, “Be sure…to drink your…Ovaltine?”) Still, the journey was the reward (even if it ate up much of my Friday afternoon.) Clever, clever, Warner Bros. marketing gurus.
But he breaks like a little girl.
She’s got everything she needs, she’s an artist, she don’t look back. (Although if I had to guess, she’s been watching the heck out of Don’t Look Back lately.) With (a non-levitating) Bruce Greenwood in tow, Cate Blanchett channels Blonde on Blonde-era Dylan and meets never-nude Allen Ginsburg (David Cross) in this brief You-tubed clip from Todd Haynes’ forthcoming I’m Not There. Other Dylans in the production: Christian Bale, Marcus Carl Franklin, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger, and Ben Whishaw.
The Joke’s on Dent.

“I always say, you never know what a man is truly made of until you peel the skin off his face one piece at a time…” Christopher Nolan and co. are up to some very funky viral marketing for The Dark Knight at the moment. You may or may not have seen this political ad for possible Gotham City District Attorney Harvey Dent make the Internet rounds over the past few days. Well, it seems the Clown Prince of Crime has taken issue with the campaign, and is now revealing himself to Gotham’s denizens — with your help — one pixel at a time. Get to it, fanboy nation! Update: After a weekend of work, Heath Ledger’s Joker is revealed. (Ouch, that had to hurt.)
No Joking Matter.
“It’s definitely going to stump people. I think it’ll be more along the lines of how the Joker was meant to be in the comics, darker and more sinister.” Brokeback Mountain‘s Heath Ledger says all the right things about his upcoming turn as the Joker in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. “I wouldn’t have thought of me, either. But it’s obviously not going to be what Jack Nicholson did. It’s going to be more nuanced and dark and more along the lines of a Clockwork Orange kind of feel. Which is, I think, what the comic book was after: less about his laugh and more about his eyes.” And, in related news, Bob Hoskins hasn’t heard he might be playing the Penguin, so scratch that one off the rumor list for now.
The Joke’s on Heath.
It’s official (and Latino Review is 2-for-2): Heath Ledger will be suiting up as the Joker in Christopher Nolan’s sequel to Batman Begins, now called The Dark Knight. Ok, I can dig it…now, who’s Harvey Dent?
Jokebat Mountain?
Along with word of an unfortunately actioned-up Watchman script and news of some stranger-than-usual comic adaptations (The Doom Patrol? Frank Miller on Will Eisner’s Spirit? Benicio Del Toro’s Deadman?), Latino Review — the site that first announced Brandon Routh as Superman in 2004 — discloses that Heath Ledger has an offer to play the Joker in Christopher Nolan’s next Batman flick. Hmm. An interesting and slightly-out-of-left-field choice…He wouldn’t have been one of my top picks for the part (Adrien Brody, Sam Rockwell, Paul Bettany, or how ’bout Ralph Reed?…His calendar’s open), but he’s definitely better than some names that were floating around (Crispin Glover, Robin Williams, Michael Keaton, Sean Penn.)